Reports Rise To Investigation Stage, Police Will Call Nikita Mirzani Tomorrow

JAKARTA - PLH Kasie Humas Polres South Jakarta, AKP Nurma Dewi said, investigators will again call Nikita Mirzani after the case goes up to the investigation stage.

Nurma said that it is very likely that Nikita Mirzani will be summoned on Wednesday for further questioning. "Today, NM has been scheduled by investigators," said Nurma Dewi at her office, Monday, October 28.

Regarding this matter, Nikita Mirzani's party has also confirmed that he will be present at the summons. "It was (confirmed present), earlier by phone to investigators. But later we will ask again," explained Nurma Dewi.

Apart from Nikita Mirzani, there will be 12 other witnesses who will be re-examined by investigators in the investigation stage of the alleged immoral case Vadel Badjideh.

"Everything is scheduled, 12 people have been examined. All of them have been scheduled by investigators to be questioned again at the investigation stage," he added.

Previously, Nurma Dewi said, Nikita Mirzani's report against Vadel Badjideh had been upgraded to an investigation status.

This status was raised by the investigators after conducting a case title on Thursday, October 24.

"Then last night, investigators conducted a case title and it has been raised to an investigation stage," said Nurma Dewi at the South Jakarta Police, Friday, October 25.

"The evidence that has been collected is clear from the witness witness, then from witness alhli, it has been investigated which is the strong basis for investigators to raise from the investigation stage to an investigation," he continued.