Files Of The Mayor Of Cimahi Disabled To The Bandung Corruption Court

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) delegated the document of the inactive Cimahi Mayor, Ajay Muhammad Priatna, to the Corruption Crime Court Bandung, West Java.

This PDI-P politician is a suspect in receiving bribes related to licensing for the construction of a hospital in Cimahi City.

"KPK prosecutor M. Asri Irwan has transferred the case files of Defendant Ajay Muhammad Priatna to the Bandung Corruption Court", said KPK spokesperson for prosecution Ali Fikri in a written statement, Wednesday, April 7.

Ajay's detention then transferred and became the authority of the Corruption Court. During the trial process, he will be detained at the Bandung Police Prison.

"Next, we are waiting for the appointment of the Panel of Judges who will lead the trial and the day of the trial with the first agenda of reading the indictment letter by the Prosecutor Team", he said.

Ajay was charged with Article 12 letter a or Article 11 and or Article 12 B of Law Number 31 the Year 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 the Year 2001 concerning Eradication of Corruption in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

In this case, the KPK caught the hands of the Mayor of Cimahi, Ajay Muhammad Priatna, and the Commissioner of the Kasih Bunda Cimahi General Hospital, Hutama Yonathan, in November 2020.

The two of them became suspects in the case of alleged bribery related to the construction permit of the Kasih Bunda Hospital for the 2018-2020 fiscal year.

Ajay Priatna is alleged to have received bribes amounting to IDR 1.661 billion in five stages out of a total agreement of IDR 3.2 billion. The money is suspected to be related to the licensing process for the addition of the Kasih Bunda Hospital building.

To investigate this case, the KPK investigative team has searched four locations, namely the Office and Home of the Mayor of Cimahi, Kasih Bunda Hospital, and the Office of PT Trisakti Megah.

From this search, the team of investigators confiscated several documents such as financial records that were suspected of being related to the bribe received by Ajay, as well as documents for applying for a permit from the Kasih Bunda Hospital.