The Supreme Court Promises Not To Protect Its Inappropriate Members, Including Judge Ronald Tannur's Case

JAKARTA - The Supreme Court (MA) is committed not to protect its members who commit false acts, including judges in the alleged bribery case handling the case of Gregorius Ronald Tannur.

"Of course the Supreme Court is committed not to protect members who commit wrong actions. Second, in the future, it will certainly be intensive, it will always routinely provide guidance to judges," said MA Yanto spokesman at a press conference at the MA RI Media Center, Jakarta, Monday, October 28, quoted by Antara.

According to Yanto, there have actually been many regulations that oversee the performance of judges, including agencies/institutions such as the Judicial Commission and the Supreme Court Supervisory Agency. In addition, there is also an inherent supervision by the Chairman of the Supreme Court.

He said the leadership of the Supreme Court would not stop providing guidance to judges.

Yanto said that the head of the Supreme Court, Sunarto, would give direct directions to the leadership of the high court.

On Monday, he added, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has conducted guidance and direction to the chairman of the high-ranking religious court throughout Indonesia. Next will be followed by the guidance of the chairman of the high court, the state administrative courts, and military courts.

"And earlier the policy of the leadership of the Supreme Court gave the head of the high court the authority to take actions that were deemed necessary in the event of irregularities," added the spokesman for the Supreme Court.

Yanto also said that the chairman of the Supreme Court in the near future will carry out internal consolidation, namely with the Supreme Court justices.

"On Tuesday, October 29, 2024, at 11.00 WIB, which was held in conjunction with routine meetings, so that His Excellency the Supreme Court would find out and get information about developments in the Supreme Court," he continued.

It is known that on Wednesday, October 23, the Attorney General's Office investigators named three judges at the Surabaya District Court who acquitted Ronald Tannur as suspects in alleged bribery or gratification. The three judges are ED, HH, and M.

The three judges are the panel of judges who examined and tried Ronald Tannur's case at the first level in the murder case of Dini Sera Afriyanti. All three acquitted Ronald Tannur of all charges.

In its development, Friday, October 25, the AGO investigators also named the former MA official, ZR, as a suspect in the alleged bribery case of Ronald Tannur at the cassation level. ZR was asked by LR, lawyer Ronald Tannur who is also a suspect in this case, to smooth out Ronald Tannur's cassation case.

The Supreme Court has also formed a team of examiners to clarify the panel of judges on the case of Ronald Tannur. The examination team was chaired by the Chairman of the MA Supervision Room Dwiarso Budi Santiarto.