KPK Hopes That The Increase In Judges' Salaries Can Minimize Corrupt Behavior

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) highlighted the arrest of former Supreme Court official ZR by the Attorney General's Office. This institution relates it to the government's efforts, particularly in increasing the judges' salaries.

KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika hopes that the increase in salary can boost the welfare of judges at any level. Thus, the desire to play cases can be minimized.

The 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) raised the judge's salary on October 18 or before he stepped down from his position. At that time he signed Government Regulation Number 44 of 2024.

"Although this salary increase does not necessarily eliminate corrupt behavior, we hope that at least we can minimize these efforts," Tessa told reporters, Monday, October 28.

On the other hand, Tessa wants the Supreme Court to see ZR's arrest as a stern warning. Because this indicates that certain parties are trying to make personal gains.

Thus, the Supreme Court and other relevant institutions must take this case seriously. "Which gaps can be closed," he said.

As previously reported, the Attorney General's Office arrested a former Supreme Court (MA) official with the initials ZR. He is suspected of being a case management broker when Gregorius Ronald Tannur filed an appeal against the murder case of Dini Sera Afrianti.

ZR once served as Head of the Supreme Court's Legal and Judicial Education Agency. He is suspected of accepting bribes from Lisa Rahmat, who is Ronald Tannur's lawyer and was arrested in Bali at 22.00 WITA on Thursday, October 24.