6 Tegal Police Detainees Escape, 4 People Successfully Arrested Again

TEGAL - Tegal Resort Police arrested four prisoners out of a total of six people who escaped from the detention room at the Tegal Police Headquarters.

The last arrest was for a fugitive prisoner who escaped, a narcotics case in the name of Rahmat Nugroho alias Gondrong bin Sutarman with his address at Curug Permai Housing, Curug Village, Pangkah District, Tegal Regency, was arrested on Saturday, October 26 at around 23.00 WIB.

"We are currently focusing on arresting the escaped prisoners, the latest developments are that we have arrested four escaped prisoners," said Head of Public Relations of the Tegal Police, Ipda Hendri Ade Birawan, Sunday, October 27.

According to Hendri, before all the prisoners who escaped were caught again, the police only provided information through official social media facilities from the Tegal Police.

"Before everyone was caught, the message from the Police Chief, the development update was only conveyed through the official social media channel of the Tegal Police, it could also be through my WhatsApp status, in order to maintain our concentration so as not to be disturbed," he explained.

Previously, the six detainees were known to have fled by digging a hole approximately 50 meters from the Tegal Police Headquarters detention cell room to the residential area of Pakembaran Village, Slawi District, Tegal Regency at 02.03 WIB, Friday morning.

Of the total six detainees, it is known that four Tegal Police detainees were arrested in less than 24 hours by the Tegal Resort Police, last Saturday.

Meanwhile, the police are still hunting for two prisoners who have escaped. There are also two detainees who have not been arrested, namely Secretary Udiarto bin Wamin, a criminal act of theft, namely residents of Dukuh Bojongkelor, Warureja District, Tegal Regency, and Wawan S alias Unyil bin Suharto for the theft case, namely residents of Anjosari Bliming Village, Malang City or Limbangan Village, Brebes Regency.