Safe Limit For Eating Yogurt While Pregnant: Guide You Need To Know

YOGYAKARTA - Throughout pregnancy, maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet is a top priority for ensuring maternal health and fetal growth. One of the foods that is often recommended for pregnant women is yogurt.

Yogurt has many important nutrients, such as calcium, protein, and probiotics, which are useful for mothers and babies.

However, maybe there is a question that arises: How much yogurt is safe to consume during pregnancy? This post will regulate the benefits of yogurt for pregnant women and the safe limits of consumption.

One of the main ingredients of yogurt is calcium. This nutrition is very meaningful for two-body mothers because it helps in the formation of bones and fetal teeth, and protects the health of the mother's bones.

Lack of calcium during pregnancy can cause the mother's body to take calcium reserves from the bone, which can increase the risk of osteoporosis in the future.

Yogurt is also a good source of protein. Protein functions important in supporting the development of fetal tissue, including muscles and organs. Not only that, the consumption of protein that helps pregnant women maintain energy levels and supports an increasing metabolic process throughout pregnancy.

One of the unique benefits of yogurt is the probiotic content. Probiotics are good bacteria that help maintain the balance of microfloras in the intestines. Consumption of probiotics throughout pregnancy can help facilitate digestion, prevent constipation, and support the body's immune system. Part of the research also says that probiotics can help reduce the risk of infection and complications throughout pregnancy.

Low-fat or fat Yogurt can be a healthy snack and help pregnant women control weight. Often, pregnancy makes pregnant women feel hungry faster. Consumption of yogurt can provide a longer feeling of fullness without adding more calories, especially when compared to snacks that are high in sugar or fat.

In general, yogurt is a safe and healthy food to eat throughout pregnancy. However, it is important to pay attention to some things so that the benefits of yogurt can be obtained optimally without risk.

Make sure the yogurt consumed is advanced yogurt. Pasteurization is a warm-up process to kill harmful bacteria that may exist in raw dairy products. Bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes can cause serious infections in pregnant women that can harm the fetus. Therefore, avoid yogurt made from raw milk or those that are not through the fitting process.

Even though yogurt is healthy, some of the yogurt products on the market have a fairly large additional sugar. Too much sugar during pregnancy can increase the risk of obesity, get gestational, and other complications. Choose fresh yogurt or yogurt with low additional sugar to maintain your health and the fetus.

There is no definite provision regarding the amount of yogurt that can be consumed, but usually one to 2 servings of yogurt per day is a safe limit. One portion of yogurt generally ranges from 150 to 200 gr.

With this portion, pregnant women can get enough calcium and protein without excessive. Not only that, vary nutritional intake from other sources, such as vegetables, fruit, seeds, as well as protein from meat or nuts, to obtain a balanced diet.

If pregnant women experience lactose intolerance, they should be on guard in consuming yogurt. Although yogurt has less lactose than milk, some intolerant people can still feel symptoms such as bloating or diarrhea after consuming it.

Choosing yogurt without lactose or consulting a doctor about other alternatives that are safe for you.

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