Chinese Coast Guard Ship Enters North Natuna Sea, This Is China's Explanation

JAKARTA - China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained the entry of China's coast guard ship (coast guard) into Indonesian waters in the North Natuna Sea, Riau Islands, on Thursday (24/10) and Monday (21/10).

"The Chinese Coast Guard ship conducts routine patrols in waters under China's jurisdiction in accordance with China's international law and domestic law," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said at a press conference in Beijing.

Previously, the Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla) revealed that the Bakamla KN Dana-323 Island ship blocked the Chinese coast guard 5402 from the Indonesian continental shelf so as not to interfere with the MV Geo Coral survey on Thursday morning.

KN Pulau Dana tried to communicate with the Chinese coast guard ship at 07.30 WIB but did not respond.

The 5402 ship actually approached and disrupted the activities of MV Geo Coral in the North Natuna Sea so that KN Pulau Dana-323 assisted by the warship of the Republic of Indonesia (KRI) Sutedi Senoputra-378 expelled the 5402 Ship out of Indonesian jurisdiction waters.

Earlier on Monday (21/10), the Indonesian Bakamla patrol boat KN Tanjung Datu-301 also expelled the Chinese coast guard vessel 5402 from Indonesian jurisdiction waters in the North Natuna Sea.

The 5402 coast guard ship disrupted the survey and processing of seismic data carried out by PT Pertamina East Natuna using the MV Geo Coral ship accompanied by three Chase Vessel, namely UB Anugerah Bersama 17, AHT PSB Roller, and TB Teluk Bajau Victory.

KN Tanjung Datu then also received assistance from the Indonesian Navy patrol boat KRI Sutedi Senoputra-378 and the Indonesian Bakamla air patrol plane. The two Indonesian patrol boats overshadowed the 5402 ship (shadowing) out of Indonesian jurisdiction in the North Natuna Sea.

"China is ready to improve communication and consultation with Indonesia through diplomatic channels and deal with maritime issues between the two countries properly," said Lin Jian.

The North Natuna Sea is Indonesian jurisdictional waters that are included in Indonesia's exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

After the incident, the Indonesian Bakamla tightened security in the waters of the North Natuna Sea in collaboration with the Indonesian Navy and the Indonesian Air Force.

During the patrol, the Commander of KN Tanjung Datu 301 Colonel Bakamla Rudi Endratmoko said the Indonesian Bakamla used its elements, namely the 110 ship and the 80 meter ship class.