Rules For Collection Of Donations, There Are Legal Provisions That Must Be Obeyed

YOGYAKARTA - Donation activities are a form of social concern needed to help others. However, it is important to know that collection of donations should not be done carelessly. There are rules for collecting donations that must be obeyed by fundraisers.

There must be clear rules and good transparency in the activity of collecting funds or goods from the community to be distributed to those in need. Without any rules that are obeyed, the good intentions of donations can actually lead to abuse or cause legal problems.

Therefore, understanding and complying with the rules for collecting donations is very important for anyone involved in fundraising activities.

The following are some important rules that must be considered when collecting donations so that these activities can be carried out appropriately and legally:

Donation collection should not be carried out without official permission from the relevant authorities. In Indonesia, fundraising for the public must obtain permission from local governments or related institutions such as the Ministry of Social Affairs.

The permit processing aims to ensure that donation activities are carried out legally, transparently, and accountable. This permit usually includes details such as fundraising goals, duration, and collection methods.

Each donation provider must provide a clear report regarding the amount of funds collected and its use. Donation collectors must submit reports regularly, both to the public and donors. The use of funds must be clear, for example for the construction of facilities, purchasing basic materials, or other social activities.

In some countries, donations can get tax breaks both for donors and the organization receiving donations. Therefore, it is very important for donors to understand and comply with applicable tax regulations.

The public must be careful in distributing donations and ensuring that the recipient institutions or organizations have clear legality. This is to avoid fraud or misuse of donations.

Legal donationraising institutions are usually in the form of foundations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), or religious institutions that have been registered and have a good track record in charity activities.

Collection of donations often involves personal data from donors, such as name, address, and contact information. Therefore, institutions that raise funds are obliged to maintain the confidentiality and security of these personal data. This data should not be disseminated or used for other purposes without permission from donors.

One of the important aspects in collecting donations is to ensure that donations are given voluntarily. Donations obtained through pressure or coercion are not in accordance with the basic principles of social concern. Fundraising must avoid ways that are coercive or manipulative in inviting people to donate.

Every donationraising activity must have a clear time limit. This is important to arrange the time for collecting and distributing donations. Determining the right time also helps the public know when fundraising starts and ends, so they can participate according to the set schedule.

One thing that should not be done in collecting donations is to misuse funds for personal gain. All collected funds must be managed in accordance with the initial objectives of fundraising. Abuse of donations for personal gain can damage the reputation of donationraising institutions and reduce public trust.

Demikianlah penjelasan mengenai aturan pengumpulan donasi yang harus diterami oleh pembesar dana maupun pemberi donasi atau donor. Pelakuan donasi adalah kegiatan sosial yang membutuhkan aturan yang ketat agar dapat berjalan dengan baik dan transparan. Baca juga tips memilih donasi online berpercaya.

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