In Order For It To Taste Good, Here's How To Make Green Vegetable Juice

JAKARTA - Green vegetable juice is known as a menu for various purposes, such as diet menu, weight loss, and for health. To keep it delicious and varied, here's how to make green vegetable juice.

Add with sweet fruit

A glass of juice drink made from green vegetables like spinach or kale sounds unattractive. Because spinach and kale themselves also have a distinctive taste. So, in order to get a delicious taste but not reduce the nutritional benefits is to add a sweet taste.

For example, adding apples and kiwi to get a fresh and delicious taste. You can also add apples to beet or turnip-based juices. You can also choose pears and pineapples to sweeten your juice.

Mix in a refreshing element

What can refresh your green vegetable juice in the diet program or lose weight? You can add invigorating elements like celery and cucumber.

Celery itself is useful for reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. Isn't it 'apart from being fresh, is it necessary to have the complete benefits of what is consumed daily?

Give the mixture a tangy taste

Mixing a little orange in kale juice will certainly enrich the taste. Maybe you don't like green vegetable juice that tastes bitter. Therefore, you can choose from a variety of citrus variants such as squeezed lime, lime, lemon, and grape for a light yet fresh flavor.

Add spices

Maybe you wonder, how can spices can enrich green vegetable juice for the diet. But spices like cinnamon, basil, and ginger are half a finger joint.

You can even add black pepper or chili powder to coriander to add flavor to your vegetable juices. The good thing about adding a spicy taste to vegetable juice is that it can curb your appetite and speed up your metabolism.