Appreciation For The Role Of Journalistic, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Holds A Writing Competition With A Total Prize Of IDR 90 Million
JAKARTA - Commemorating the 47th Anniversary and at the same time giving awards for the role of journalists, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan held a 2024 Journalistic Writing Contest which had been held from September 2024 yesterday to November 2024.
In addition to awards, this competition is also expected to encourage the spread of information educating the public about the importance of protecting employment social security and the risks faced by workers.
The Deputy for Communication of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Oni Marbun, in his statement to the press conveyed, by raising the theme "Best Contribution to Worker Welfare", this competition aims to explore and highlight the real contribution of all parties in improving the welfare of Indonesian workers through social security.
"We really appreciate the role of journalists, especially in helping us convey the importance of protecting employment social security. All Indonesian workers from sabang to Merauke must be educated together to protect employment social security. This competition is a form of our appreciation as well as we hope to strengthen the synergy between BPJS Ketenagakerjaan and the media or journalists themselves," said Oni Marbun, in his statement, Wednesday, October 23.
In the 2024 Journalism Writing Competition, an assessment will be carried out by a jury consisting of leading experts and practitioners in their field.
This jury includes Muhammad Zuhri, Chairman of the BPJS Employment Council, known for his deep experience and knowledge of employment policies.
In addition, Budiman Tanuredjo, a senior journalist with a high reputation for his expertise and contribution in the media world, will participate. Timboel Siregar, an expert in social and labor security, will also join as a jury, who has an in-depth understanding of the social protection system.
The competition with a total prize of IDR 90 million has three main categories. For the first category is Media Online Hardnews, the jury will assess the news that presents the latest and accurate information regarding employment social security.
The second category is the Hardnews Print Media which will assess print news that presents the latest facts and data regarding BPJS Employment policies and benefits.
The third category with a nominal prize higher than the other categories is the Online Media/Cetak Feature category, this category will assess and evaluate deep articles that review the stories and impacts of social security on workers' lives.
Each category is designed to appreciate and highlight the important contribution of journalists in disseminating information about employment social protection.
In addition, this competition is also an opportunity for BPJS Ketenagakerjaan to strengthen relations with media and journalists. Register now and show your best journalistic work!
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Head of the Cilincing BPJamsostek Branch Office, Haryani Rotua Melasari, also provided his statement. According to him, the role of a journalist in educating and socializing the employment social security program to the community is very important and crucial.
The reason is, they are important partners in the communication/publicity function to the public about the benefits of the BPJS Employment program.
"We hope that this writing competition can trigger journalists to further increase their creativity and productivity of their written works," said Haryani.