Participation Status Cannot Be Deactivated, What If You Can't Pay BPJS Health?

YOGYAKARTA According to Article 4 of Law (UU) Number 24 of 2011 concerning the Social Security Administering Body (BPJS), every Indonesian citizen must be a participant in the National Security (JKN) through BPJS Health. BPJS Health participation is followed by regular health insurance contributions paid by participants, the amount of contributions depends on the type of participation. So, what if you can't afford BPJS Health? Let's find out the information in the following review.

It should be noted that the membership status of BPJS Kesehatan cannot be disabled even though participants are never sick or unable to pay dues.

The deactivation of BPJS Health participants can only be done if participants die or move abroad.

Quoted from the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) BPJS Health and Employment page, If BPJS Health participants are unable to pay dues, Class 1 and 2 participants can drop classes, from Class 1 to Class 2 or Class 3; or from Class 2 to Class 3.

For Class 3 which feels unable with the amount of contributions charged by BPJS Kesehatan, it can be included in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS), so that it is entitled to enter PBI (Receiver of Contribution Assistance) whose contributions are paid by the government.

According to Antara, BPJS Kesehatan membership is divided into several types. First, namely the Recipient of Health Insurance Contribution Assistance (PBI JK), which is a health insurance program for the poor and underprivileged, whose dues are paid by the Central Government through the APBN. The amount of PBI JK contributions is IDR 42,000 per person per month.

Second, the contribution for Wage Recipient Worker Participants (PPU) who work for government institutions is 5 percent of salary or wages per month with a provision that 4 percent is paid by employers and 1 percent is paid by participants.

Third, contributions for other relatives from beneficiaries (such as siblings/pardwives, household assistants), non-wage recipients (PBPU) and non-workers (BP) participants of State Administrators, paid by the participants concerned or other parties on behalf of the participants, with the amount of contributions:

BPJS Kesehatan contributions are paid no later than 10 months and there are no fines or delays in payment of contributions.

BPJS Kesehatan akan mengenakan sanksi denda ketika dalam waktu 45 hari sejak status keperetaan teraktifikasi kembali, perserta memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan rawat inap.

Because BPJS membership status cannot be deactivated, PBPU or independent participants can switch their participation to PBI which is supported by the central government and local governments.

Launching VOI, the following are the requirements for BPJS Kesehatan participants to move to PBI:

The process of transitioning BPJS Kesehatan's membership status to PBI may take several days to several weeks. This is because it depends on the speed of process at the BPJS Kesehatan office and coordination with related institutions.

That's the review of what if you can't afford BPJS Kesehatan. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.