2024 Pilkada: Pontianak Bawaslu Find 300 APB Langgar Rules

Commissioner of the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Pontianak City, Division of Violation Handling, Erwin Irawan, said that his party had found 300 installations of campaign props (APK) in Pontianak City that violated the rules.

"Every day we patrol and monitor related to the installation of the APK which is a campaign medium for the candidate pair (paslon) who competed in the 2024 Pilkada. There were 300 APB installations that were found and violated," he said in Pontianak, Antara, Tuesday, October 22.

Forms of violations of the installation of the APK found such as being installed on trees, on electric poles, on bridges and others.

"There is even an APK installation in front of a road alley or complex that endangers motorists. Some of the APB installations are prohibited locations," he explained.

According to him, with these findings, his party immediately wrote to the winning pair and team to immediately bring order to the APB and the installation of the APK in accordance with applicable regulations.

"If it still does not regulate within a specified period of time, we will confiscate the APB violating to be brought under control. So that everything in the campaign, especially the installation of the APB according to the rules. We invite the team and candidate pairs to jointly ensure that the existing APK is in accordance with the rules," he invited.

Meanwhile, the participants in the Pontianak Pilkada were followed by two candidate pairs for Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Pontianak, namely the number one (q) incumbent pair Edi Rusdi Kamtono-Uangan, and serial number two (2) Mulyadi-Harti Hartidjah pair.

Meanwhile, the 2024 West Kalimantan Pilkada consists of the Sutarmidji-didi Haryono pair with serial number 1, the Ria Norsan-Krisantus Kurniawan pair number 2, and the Young Mahendrawan-Jakius Sinyor pair number 3.