ESG Is The Public Focus And Business World, Indra Karya Makes The Motivater Of Change

JAKARTA PT Indra Karya (Persero) is committed to continuing to apply Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) principles in every work operation. This is in line with the challenges of changing business models in the midst of public attention about the importance of the company's role in implementing the ESG aspect.

President Director of Indra Karya Gok Ari Joso Simamora emphasized that the application of ESG principles in the company's current performance is very important. He said ESG was the driver of the changes his party would make.

"This should be the driving force for the changes that will be made through the policies set by the company how their business will be going forward," said Gok Ari in his official statement, Tuesday, October 22.

Gok Ari emphasized that Indra Karya upholds good ESG implementation through transparent assessments in all business lines and company performance.

"So that it can bring the company's problems and challenges to the surface so that changes can be made in accordance with applicable guidelines and standards," he explained.

With the commitment to implementing the ESG, Indra Karya won an award at the 2024 Nusantara Plaudit event with the Rank of 91 Platinum Papua. This award is a form of appreciation for the company's commitment to carrying out social and environmental responsibilities.

The award was received by the President Director of PT Indra Karya (Persero) Gok Ari Joso Simamora who was given directly by the Chairman of the La Tofi School of Social Responsibility, La Tofi, and Deputy Minister of Investment/Deputy Head of BKPM Yuliot Tanjung, as a moment marker that PT Indra Karya (Persero) has successfully carried out the commitment of the ESG roadmap compiled by La Tofi School of Social Responsibility.

Gok Ari emphasized that this award is not the end of the journey, but rather a start to continue to improve the practice of sustainability.

"We will continue to be committed to implementing ESG principles in every aspect of our operations, for the sustainability of the environment and community welfare," he said.

In addition, Gok Ari is also optimistic about this achievement, PT Indra Karya (Persero) hopes to inspire other companies to pay more attention to social and environmental responsibilities.

"As well as contributing positively to sustainable development in Indonesia," he said.