The Impact Of La Nina For Indonesia Which Is Expected To Happen Until March 2025

YOGYAKARTA The La Nina phenomenon is one of the public's concerns. This is because the United States National Ocean and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) recently announced that La Nina is expected to appear in September-November and is expected to continue until March 2025. Due to these conditions, the impact of La Nina on Indonesia needs to be watched out for.

Please note, La Nina is an anomaly of temperature that occurs in the same region but cooler than usual, which is around -0.5 degrees or more. In Indonesia, La Nina will usually trigger more frequent rain intensity. This condition then has an impact on flooding to tropical storms.

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) itself predicts that La Nina will appear in Indonesia in October 2024.

"The prediction of the ENSO Index shows that La Nina has the opportunity to start occurring in the October 2024 period, while the IOD is predicted to continue in the Neutral phase until at least February 2025," said BMKG's statement in the 2024/2025 Rainy Season Prediction report.

BMKG also predicts that the La Nina phenomenon will make some areas in Indonesia rain more often with an increase in rainfall of up to 20 to 40 percent until November. From December to May, rainfall is predicted to increase in the western part of Indonesia.

In an article entitled Impact of La Nina and El Nino for Indonesian Community Life published in the Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal, it is stated that the La Nina phenomenon makes rainfall increase. In addition, the dry weather in Indonesia which should dry up becomes more humid.

The impact of La Nina will be felt especially in urban areas that do not have a good water infiltration system. When heavy rains occur and water infiltration to the ground is not optimal, there will be flooding. In addition, the impact of La Nina is also quite felt in areas prone to landslides. The increasing intensity of rain will make the soil move and hoard the surrounding areas.

Not only has an impact on the environment, La Nina also triggers health problems that threaten the community. For example, the potential for transmission of infectious diseases of Water-borne disease or diseases carried by water such as diarrhea, typhoid fever, Goodminal fever, dysentery, leptospirosis, hepatitis A, and many more. These diseases need to be watched out for, especially in flood-prone areas.

La Nina will also have an impact on the Indonesian economy, especially in the agricultural and fisheries sectors. In the agricultural sector, flooding triggered by the increase in La Nina rainfall will inundate rice fields. At that time, crop failure will be very likely. Not only farmers, fishermen will also feel the impact. Fishing in the sea has the potential to decrease because the fish in circulation are reduced.

That's information related to the impact of La Nina on Indonesia. Visit to get other interesting information.