Why Is Sprei At The Hotel Always White?

JAKARTA - White Sprei seems to have become a common requirement for hotels around the world. This color selection is not a coincidence, but is based on several practical and aesthetic reasons.

Delaneploy, general manager of the area for the Coury Hospitality who also oversees the Colcord Hotel in Oklahoma City, said white on bed sheets at hotels can give a clean and fresh impression.

When guests enter hotel rooms, white bed linen creates a comfortable and calming atmosphere. This impression is very important to improve the experience of staying guests.

"Cleanliness has always been the hotel's top priority. White and clean Sprei remind guests how clean the hotel is," Delane Badminton said, as quoted by Travel + Leisure.

In addition to the hygiene factor, white bed linen is also considered to provide peace for guests, especially if the bed linen is made from linen.

"Hotel beds are the focal point of each living room, and all attention is on it. Beds with clean white linen cloth, and fresh, provide peace of mind for guests that the entire room is clean and sanitized," he explained.

When viewed in terms of hotel staff, white bed linen is also easier to wash and care for. By using bleach, difficult spots can be eliminated more effectively. This is very important for hotels that have to maintain high hygiene standards.

"It also helps hotel staff identify when sheets need further cleaning or must be replaced," said Brooks Ferring, owner of The Berkeley Hotel in Denver.

Then, there is one more practical reason why the hotel chooses white linen cloth. As Amber Edwards, general manager of The Hamilton Alpharetta, a white mattress is the perfect base for a well-designed room, which allows all the small details to appear.

White Sprei gives an elegant impression and can be easily combined with various interior designs. This color not only highlights other decoration elements in the room, but also gives a broad and bright impression.

"The beauty of a clean white bed is that it completes the design of the room, which allows other elements such as thick blankets, elegant pillows, and decorations that are carefully chosen to stand out and create an elegant appearance, reflecting the elegant atmosphere of a luxury hotel, ensuring guests are greeted in a place that feels personal and classy," concluded Edward.