PLN Provides Ease Of Transaction Customers Through PLN Mobile

PT PLN (Persero) is committed through SuperApp PLN Mobile to commit to providing quality convenience and services to customers by transacting through PLN Mobile.

"By transacting through PLN mobile, it is certain that getting services is easier, more efficient, and safe, because we will guarantee the satisfaction of customers who transact online," said PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo through Gregorius Adi Trianto Executive Vice President of Corporate Communication & TJSL PLN in Makassar, quoted from Antara, Sunday, October 20.

In his press statement, Gregorius said that the presence of the PLN Mobile SuperApp was the fruit of the successful digital transformation effort carried out by the company since four years ago.

He explained, PLN Mobile SuperApp is a specially designed platform to meet all the wishes of PLN customers. Not only for electricity needs such as new installations, purchasing tokens and power-added, internet services and all the needs of electric vehicles are also available.

According to him, customers can access all electricity services in just one hand through PLN Mobile.

Another advantage, he continued, can be seen in terms of consistent service costs that are cheaper than other platforms. PLN Mobile is also the only platform that provides the cheapest purchase of tokens, namely a nominal value of IDR 5 thousand which cannot be found on other platforms.

Quoting Darmawan, PLN Mobile not only emphasizes the ease of customers making transactions, but also guarantees the security of every customer transaction data.

This is in line with PLN's commitment to the mandate of Law Number 27 of 2022 concerning Personal Data Protection (UU PDP).

Based on PLN data, it is known that until now PLN Mobile has downloaded more than 75 million downloaders and PLN is committed to maintaining all data filled with customers to ensure safety.

Various advantages offered by PLN Mobile ranging from convenience, safety, and security, customers can experience electrical services without any doubt.

"PLN also always provides various promos and gifts from every transaction made by customers," added Gregorius.