Rare Incidents, British Researchers Find 78-Year-Old Man Who Has Three Penis

JAKARTA - Doctors in England were very surprised to find a man who has unusual and rare conditions. The man from England has three penises.

However, the man likely lived his entire life without knowing that he had rare anatomy. Because, his genitals look completely normal.

Three penises are very rare conditions and are known as triphallia. The first human case was recorded just four years ago in a three-month-old boy from Iraq.

Reporting from the Wion News page, the discovery has been published in the Journal of Medical Case Reports. This is just the second triphallia case that has been documented in humans and first in adult men.

The man who died was 78 years old, white, about 182 cm tall and had a penis that looked very normal. When the researchers dissected his body, they were surprised to find two different penises in it.

They continue to examine the organs further and find the uretra flowing through their primary and secondary penises. The second penis is smaller but has all three main penis tissues, namely corpus cavernosum, corpus spongiosum, and glands (head).

The third penis is behind a second penis, but it doesn't connect to theuretra and doesn't have a spongiosum corpus. The main penis is about three inches in size, while the other two are about 1.5 inches.

"Reports of this case, based on extensive literature reviews, describe unexpected discoveries during cadeveric dissection of the second reported case of human triphallia, are clearly different from previous cases." said the researcher mentioned in the report.

Medical records state that people with additional organs can survive and live a normal life. Extra penises are believed to be caused by genetic mutations.

Penis develops from a network known as the genital tuberkel. In this case, genetic mutations likely cause the triplication of the genital tuberkel.

They stated the analysis showed its uretra first developed from a secondary penis. But when the second penis does not develop completely, theuretra shifts towards its main penis.

The identity of the man or his medical history was unknown to the researchers, due to the local autopsy law.