Preventing Violence In Schools, This Is A Strategic Step Of The Ministry Of Education And Culture Through Training And Synergy

JAKARTA - The Character Strengthening Center (Puspeka) in collaboration with the Directorate of High Schools under the Directorate General of Pauddikdasmen Kemendikbudristek, strengthens the capacity to handle violence in the school environment as a concrete step to combat violence in schools.

According to Antara's report, the training was aimed at educational units in Regional 1. The participants came from various provinces, such as North Sumatra, Aceh, Riau, West Sumatra, Banten, Bengkulu, Bangka Belitung Islands, Riau Islands, Lampung, and South Sumatra. This activity is held in a hybrid manner, namely combining online and face-to-face methods.

"We hope that the moduli for handling violence that has been structured can help improve the competence of the Task Force and TPPK to be more effective in dealing with this problem. With solid cooperation and strong synergy, we can create a learning environment that is safe, inclusive, and free from violence," said the Head of the Center for Strengthening the Character of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Rusprita Putri Utami.

Rusprita emphasized that school violence is a serious challenge that has a negative impact on the development of students, both academically and psychologically.

Based on the data submitted, 36 percent of students have the potential to become victims of bullying, and 34 percent face the risk of sexual violence.

Various forms of violence, such as physical, psychological, bullying, sexual violence, to intolerance, have the potential to destroy students' sense of security and hinder their potential development.

Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Culture is committed to ensuring a learning environment that supports students' development optimally and is free from violence, with the hope of forming a young generation that is in line with the values of Pancasila.

This training is specifically intended to strengthen the capacity of the Violence Prevention and Handling Team (TPPK) and the Task Force (Satgas) at the provincial and district/city levels, to be better prepared to prevent and handle cases of violence in schools.

The training material refers to Permendikbudristek Number 46 of 2023, which contains complete guidelines regarding the handling of violence in educational units.