Alex Noerdin Does Not Comply With The Prosecutor's Summons To Be Witness To The Sriwijaya Mosque Corruption Case

PALEMBANG - Former Governor of South Sumatra Alex Noerdin did not respond to the summons from the High Prosecutor's Office. Alex Noerdin was summoned as a witness in the investigation of the alleged corruption case against the construction fund for the Sriwijaya Grand Mosque, which was stalled for about four years.

"Today we summoned a number of witnesses including the former governor of South Sumatra, but AN did not fulfill the summons for the first phase on the grounds that he had a job that could not be left behind," said Khaidirman, Head of South Sumatra Public Prosecutor's Office in Palembang.

Because Alex Noerdin did not fulfill the first summons, the South Sumatra Attorney General's Office immediately submitted a second summons so that the investigation of the suspected corruption case of the mosque construction to welcome the 2018 Asian Games in Palembang would run well.

"The reason for the absence of witnesses is acceptable. It is hoped that in the second summons AN can fulfill the investigators' summons according to the set schedule," he said.

Meanwhile, a number of other witnesses who were scheduled for examination today by the investigating prosecutor were able to fulfill the summons.

Witnesses who met the summons of the South Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office such as the Head of the Palembang City Tourism Office, Isnaini Madani, the construction committee of the Sriwijaya Grand Mosque (Land Law Division) Burkiah, and the auction committee for the construction of the Toni Aguswara mosque.

The testimony of the witnesses who underwent several hours of examination will be used as supporting evidence to complement the investigation files of several suspects and reveal the possibility of new suspects.

Investigators at the South Sumatra Attorney General's Office, Tuesday, March 30, arrested four suspects in the alleged corruption case of the construction of the Sriwijaya Grand Mosque at the Pakjo State Detention Center (Rutan) and the Palembang City Women's Prison.

The four suspects are former Chairman of the Sriwijaya Mosque Construction Committee Edi Hermanto, KSO PT Brantas Abipraya-PT Yodyakarya Dwi Kriyana, Chair of the Syarifudin Auction Implementation Division and KSO PT Brantas Adipraya-PT Yodyakarya Yudi Arminto.

The four suspects were charged under Article 2 or 3 of Law No.31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption in junto Law No. 20 of 2021 with a minimum threat of four years and a maximum of 20 years in prison, said the Kasipenkum.