Kemenkop UKM Gandeng Pos Indonesia Bangun 42 Pos Bloc

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) is collaborating with PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) to build a public creative space or a police post. For the initial stage, there will be 42 police stations spread across the country.

Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki said the police post would be built by utilizing the assets of the Pos Indonesia building. Later, the Post Bloc will be filled with MSME products.

"We want to take advantage of PT Pos' very extraordinary facilities and assets to become a promotional place for MSMEs, especially for fashion, culinary and craft brands," said Teten in a written statement, Thursday, October 17.

Teten said, the expansion of cooperation with PT Pos Indonesia is the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs' strategy to balance the rise of modern shops or retailers that have the potential to kill MSME businesses.

With the increasing number of MSME Centers built and developed by PT Pos Indonesia, it is hoped that it will encourage an increase in the capacity and market share of MSME products or local brands.

"We also want to strengthen local brands so that they can increase their turnover and local brands are increasingly known, so they are not only selling products but can also increase brand value," he said.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Pos Indonesia Faizal R. Djoemadi said, so far four locations have been developed to become MSME Centers with post-bloc brands, namely Jakarta, Medan, Surabaya and Bandung.

"We want to expand business schemes such as this grocery post in the second and third cities so that our MSME products are not controlled by foreign products. At this grocery post, all are local brands, there are no foreign products," he said.

In addition to providing stalls for selling that are more representative and contemporary, PT Pos Indonesia through MSME Centers at its branch offices also prepares several facilities, such as service centers to education centers. With this strategy, it is believed that all MSME needs can be facilitated so that they can easily develop.

"We have prepared distribution centers to full fulfillment centers or warehousing. So, MSMEs can store their products there (MSME Center)," he added.

According to Faizal, the business transformation carried out by PT Pos Indonesia is claimed to have succeeded in encouraging MSMEs to advance to class. He hopes that through cooperation with the Kemenkop UKM in the future, more and more MSMEs will develop.

"We welcome the Minister's idea (Teten Masduki) because it is in accordance with the transformation we are carrying out. Thank you for the opportunity to bring us together with the MSMEs fostered by the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs," he said.