President Jokowi Presses Presidential Decree On The Establishment Of The National Police Corruption Corps

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo signed Presidential Regulation Number 122 of 2024 concerning the Organizational and Work Procedures of the National Police which was motivated by the formation of the Corruption Eradication Corps (Kortastipidkor) of the National Police.

In the copy file released from the Documentation and Legal Information Network page of the Ministry of State Secretariat, the Perpres was signed by President Jokowi on October 15, 2024.

Provisions related to the formation of Kortastipidkor Polri are listed in the insertion of Article 20A which states, "Korps Eradication of Corruption Crimes abbreviated as Kortastipidkor is an element of carrying out the main task of eradicating corruption under the National Police Chief."

Kortastipidkor has the task of assisting the National Police Chief in fostering and organizing prevention, investigation and investigation in the context of eradicating corruption and money laundering from criminal acts of corruption and carrying out tracing and securing assets from criminal acts of corruption.

Kortastipidkor is led by the head of the Corruption Eradication Corps, which is equivalent to a two-star general, to be responsible to the National Police Chief.

Furthermore, the head of Kortastipidkor was assisted by a deputy head of Kortastipidkor, consisting of a maximum of three directorates.

Previously, the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, said that the formation of the Kortastipidkor Polri had been proposed since December 2021 when inaugurating 44 former KPK employees as National Police ASNs.

Kortastipidkor will be equipped with divisions, such as prevention, inter-institutional cooperation, and prosecution divisions so that it stands a complete division starting from prevention, cooperation to prosecution.

According to Sigit, the National Police's efforts to strengthen the field of eradicating corruption require the role of 44 former KPK employees who have been appointed as National Police ASN.

In addition to Kortastipidkor, the National Police has also developed the Directorate for the Protection of Women and Children and the Eradication of Trafficking in Persons which has been issued by the presidential regulation in early February 2024.

The National Police also developed a cyber directorate in eight regional police in order to strengthen the handling of cybercrime cases.