Attorney General ST Burhanuddin Wins Award, Inspirational Figures For Law Enforcement And Disclosure Of Information

JAKARTA - Attorney General ST Burhanuddin received two awards at once and was appointed as an inspirational figure for information disclosure and law enforcement.

Burhanuddin received two awards at the'sound of Justice 2024' event which took place at Blok M Space, Jakarta, Wednesday, October 16, 2024. The award in the form of appreciation was given by Prosecutors and Hasanuddin University, Makassar.

The award given by the Prosecutor was in the form of Inspirational Figures in the Field of Information Disclosure. Meanwhile, Hasanuddin University gave an award as an Inspirational Figure in the Field of Information Disclosure and Law Enforcement.

"Thank God for the support of all parties, the Prosecutor's Office has succeeded in increasing public confidence in the performance of law enforcement and eradicating corruption by the Prosecutor's Office, as well as placing the Prosecutor's Office as the most trusted law enforcement agency by the public. This is proof that the Attorney General's efforts in upholding justice get support from the wider community," said the Attorney General.

According to the Attorney General, the Prosecutor's Office is not only required to work professionally in the midst of public demands for transparency and justice. The Prosecutor's Office must also be able to communicate effectively with the wider community.

In the digital era as it is today, the Attorney General advised every Adhyaksa person to understand the significant changes in communication patterns between state institutions such as the Prosecutor's Office and the Community. Digital technology has changed the way information is conveyed and accepted, and demands openness, transparency, and speed in responding to issues that arise in the community.

On the same occasion, the Attorney General appreciated the Prosecutor and all parties who had organized the Sound of Justice event with the theme "Collaboration for the Country". This theme is relevant to the context of law enforcement in Indonesia to illustrate the importance of synergy between the Prosecutor's Office, the public, and related stakeholders to create a just legal system.

Prosecutors were born from various communities in society, which aim to support law enforcement in Indonesia, especially eradicating corruption and restorative justice. This platform spreads the Prosecutor's message firmly, fairly, and humanely.

"Jaksapedia does not tire of spreading news and information related to the positive performance of the ranks of the Prosecutor's Office throughout Indonesia in a transparent manner, which in the end will become the soap opera for the Prosecutor's Office to continue to carry out its duties and functions in accordance with applicable laws and regulations," said the Attorney General.

The Attorney General assessed that this activity was very important, especially regarding performance coverage. For the Attorney General, activities like this have a deeper meaning in the digital era and information disclosure.

"Jaksapedia as an information platform continues to actively deliver news in real-time, regarding the development of major cases and the achievement of our performance in law enforcement, so that the public continues to provide support to the Prosecutor's Office to always improve its performance," the Attorney General added.

Through this Sound of Justice, the Attorney General hopes that the Prosecutor will continue to be a good representation, which is identical to the Prosecutor's Office, so that it will continue to present and report quality segments and programs that are useful.

For information, the series of Sound of Justice events Collaboration for the Country also broadcasts a Live Podcast entitled Podcast Surgeon Justice (Bedil) which presents speakers namely Deputy Attorney General for Intelligence (JAM-Intelijen) Reda Manthovani, Professor of Law at Al Azhar University Prof Suparji, Dean of the Faculty of Law at Hasanuddin University Prof Hamzah Halim, Head of the Garut District Attorney Helena Octavianne, Head of the Sanggau District Attorney Dedy Irwan Virantama, and Coordinator at the North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office Yos. A. Tarigan.

In addition to Live Podcasts, this event was also enlivened by the appearance of the guest star on the Adjis Prayer of the Mother Prayer, Arif Brata, Ardit Erwandha, and Ali Akbar, as well as an exhibition of works and entertainment games available to visitors. This event was also attended by the Deputy Attorney General for General Crimes (JAM-Pidum) Asep N. Mulyana and the Head of the Legal Information Center Harli Siregar.