Who Is Anies Baswedan?

JAKARTA - Mid afternoon in October 2017, to be precise the sixteenth. Kirab marching neatly accompanied President Jokowi and Vice President Jusuf Kalla at the State Palace, Jakarta. The grandchildren of the national hero, Abdurrahman Baswedan, Anies Rasyid Baswedan and Sandiaga Uno were officially appointed as the pair for the Governor and Deputy Governor of DKI, which was validated by a Presidential Decree dated 14 July 2017.

"A new sheet for Jakarta tonight has been opened. Ladies and gentlemen, today a new sheet is re-opened for the long journey of the city of Jakarta. When the straight intentions have been completed, when the effort of mutual cooperation is in its true meaning, and is supported by endless prayers, then Allah SWT's help and decree has come…. ” out loud Anies Baswedan in his first official speech.

Anies looks at the next five years as the elected Governor of Jakarta, the DKI-1.

Two-Round Fierce Drama

The fierce drama took place during the election for the Governor of DKI. The election had to be held in two rounds, the absolute number 50 plus 1 was not reached, leaving the last two candidates as the top party. Agus Yudhoyono, who is paired with Sylviana Murni, has already died in the first round. Anies and Sandiaga Uno head to head against the incumbent, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama who was accompanied by Saiful Djarot Hidayat.

A series of issue after issue was rolled out from both sides. Sentimental issues around religion and race, such as reopening the old wounds of this country during the May 1998 riots. The 2017 DKI Regional Election can be considered as the hottest and emotional Regional Head election among other regions.

After two rounds of the election phase, Anies-Sandi number three succeeded in winning the hearts of the capital city public with the final result of the vote totaling 3,240,987 (57.96%) against 2,350,366 belonging to Ahok-Djarot (42.04%). His speech was inaugurated, indicating that he needed to re-cement the unity between the many differences in Jakarta.

As a possible record, Anies-Sandi's acquisition of 3,240,000 votes in the 2017 elections for DKI residents has also exceeded the record for Jokowi-Ahok's vote in the 2012 Jakarta elections.

Educated Families and Grandchildren of National Heroes

Born from the womb of a mother who works as a professor at the University of Yogyakarta, and the father who was once the Vice Chancellor of the Islamic University of Indonesia, Anies Rasyid Baswedan was born in Kuningan, West Java. Anies was lucky enough to be born in a large family that prioritizes the values of education, from kindergarten to high school, Anies chose the city of Gudeg Yogyakarta to accompany him.

President Jokowi's appreciation of his grandfather for his movement in the Republic of Indonesia was reflected in an official mandate to make Abdurrahman Baswedan a national hero.

What his grandfather Anies had done during his past life cannot be said to be trivial, starting from the initiator of the unity of the Arab race in the archipelago, taking part in BPUPKI, to the story of his sacrifice of smuggling historical documents from Egypt to his homeland for a letter of recognition of independence by the Egyptian government related independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

Young Chancellor who Initiated Indonesia Teaching

Like Sandiaga Uno, his deputy, Anies Baswedan is lucky to enjoy the atmosphere of the world of education in Uncle Sam's country, United States. Supported by scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate programs, spent from 1997 to 2005 in the United States, Anies studied through the University of Maryland and Northern Illinois University.

At that time, Anies was the youngest rector in Indonesia at the age of 38 with Paramadina University, Jakarta. His great desire and dream will not be grandiose: he just wants to decorate his daily life through education, this is what underlies Anies Baswedan and some of his friends for the Indonesian Teaching Movement program.

Increasing experience in public managerial science while serving as Research Director of The Indonesian Institute. An organization that focuses on research and analysis of global public policies.

Anies, known as an academic, finally turned to politics as a politician in the future. His enthusiasm has been seen since high school first. Anies was once elected as Chair of OSIS throughout Indonesia while participating in leadership coaching with 300 other student council leaders.

Anies Baswedan's reason for a revolutionary education movement that this nation needs, Anies made the Democratic Party convention the first stage to be recognized by the Indonesian people. Through the campaign for the Hands-Free Movement program, supported by full endorsement of the millennial figure Pandji Pragiwaksono, Anies sold this concept as a branding campaign, unfortunately it didn't end well, he failed to get elected.

Joko Widodo, who decided to resign from the seat of DKI-1 for the sake of contesting the 2014 presidential election, felt he needed help from Anies Baswedan. His ability and skill in speaking to process words in public made Anies appointed as the spokesperson for the Jokowi and Jusuf Kalla pair to face the presidential candidate opposite Prabowo Subianto and Hatta Rajasa.

The victory of Jokowi and Jusuf Kalla impacted Anies' trust to join the elected president's transition team, which later Anies began to believe that his dream for the world of education would come true when he was appointed as Minister of Culture and Primary and Secondary Education of the 2014-2019 Work Indonesia Cabinet. On the way, beyond his expectation that Anies was hit by the Cabinet reshuffle storm, his name was no longer the Minister as of July 27 2016, Muhadjir Effendy who was also the fifth rector of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) replaced his role.

Anies Baswedan profile

Full name: Anies Rasyied Baswedan Ph.D Place, date of birth: Kuningan, West Java, May 7, 1960 Profession: Academic - Politician Religion: Islam Partner: Fery Farhati Ganis, S.Psi, M.Sc


S3. IKIP Labrotori II, Yogyakarta (1982) S2. University of Maryland, School of Public Policy, College Park, United States (1998) S1. Faculty of Economics UGM, Yogyakarta (1995) State Senior High School 2, Yogyakarta (1989) South Milwaukee, Senior High School (AFS Year Program), Wisconsin, America (1988) SMP Negeri 5, Yogyakarta (1985)

Career Journey

Governor of DKI Jakarta (2017-2022) Minister of Culture and Primary and Secondary Education in the Working Cabinet (2014-2016) Presenter Young Global Leaders Summit, Tanzania, Africa (2010) Presenter of Save Our Nation Program, Metro TV (2010) Founder and Chair of the Movement Indonesia Mengajar (2009) Chancellor of Paramadina University (2007-2011) National Advisor for Decentralization and Regional Autonomy at the Partnership for Governance Reform, Jakarta (2006-2007) Principal Researcher at The Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI), Jakarta (2005-2007) Director Research The Indonesian Institute, Center for Public Policy Analysis, Jakarta (2005-2009) Research Manager at IPC, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA (2004-2005) Researcher at the Center for Governmental Studies, Northern Illinois University (2000-2000) Researcher at The Office of Research, Evaluation, and Policy Studies, Northern Illinois University (2000-2004) UGM Economic Studies (1994 - 1996) Researcher and Project Coordinator at the Inter-University Center (PAU) Program Coordinator at Center for Student and Community Development (1993-1994) Editor and Host of "Free Land" (Yogyakarta TVRI Program) (1989-1991)


William P Cole III Fellow at Maryaland School of Public Policy, ICF Scholarship (2005) Gerald Maryanov Fellow, Northem Illions University (2004) Indonesian Cultural Foundation Scholarship (1999) William P Cole III Fellowship, University of Maryland (1998) ASEAN Student Awards Program ( USAID-AGE-NAFSA) (1998) Fulbright Scholarship (1997) JAL Scholarsip (1993) AFS Intercultural Program, Milwaukee High School, Wisconsin, USA (1987)