Live An Open Session, Bahlil Officially Receives A Doctoral Degree From UI

JAKARTA - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) as well as General Chair of the Golkar Party Bahlil Lahadalia officially holds a doctorate after undergoing an Open Promotion Session at the Stratejik and Global Studies School of the University of Indonesia (SKSG UI) which was held at the Makara Art Center Building on Wednesday, October 16, 2024.

"The test team decided to appoint Brother Bahlil Lahadalia as a Doctor in the Stratejik and Global Study Study Program with a cum laude judiciary," said Chairman of the Promotion Session, Prof. Dr. I Ketut Surajaya in Depok, Wednesday, October 16.

In the trial, Bahlil maintained his dissertation with the title Policy, Institution, and Governance of Fair and Sustainable Nickel Downstreaming in Indonesia.

The results of a study conducted by Bahlil Lahadalia in the doctoral study in the field of Stratejik Glonal Studies show that four main problems from the impact of downstreaming require policy adjustments.

The four problems are injustice of regional transfer funds, minimal involvement of regional entrepreneurs, limited participation of Indonesian companies in the downstream sector with high added value, and no post-mining diversification plans.

Bahlil Lahadalia in the study recommended four main policies in anticipating these problems, namely: 1) reformulation of the allocation of profit sharing funds related to downstreaming activities, 2) strengthening partnership policies with regional entrepreneurs, 3) providing long-term funding for national companies in the downstream sector, and 4) the obligation for investors to carry out long-term diversification.

As researcher Bahlil Lahadalia also emphasized the importance of establishing a Task Force that could orchestrate the implementation of downstream policy to be more effective.

"The agency needs to have a mandate from the president so that it is authorized to coordinate all parties, both the government and business actors and mobilize resources to make downstream a success," said Bahlil.

Before arriving at the Open Session of Doctoral Promotion, Bahlil Lahadalia as a research student of the SKSG UI Global Stratejik Study Program has taken a series of exam stages, namely: Seminar I which was conducted on June 15, 2023, Seminar 2 on October 26, 2023, Seminar 3 on December 22, 2023, and Research Proposal Exam on January 27, 2024. Furthermore, Bahlil Lahadalia took the Research Results Examination on June 19, 2024, Seminar Examination of Research Results I on July 10, 2024, and Research Results Examination 2 on September 27, 2024.