Kemenpora Launches TKPN Fitness Application

The Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenpora RI) officially launched the Nusantara Student Fitness Test (TKPN) application.

The application was launched by the Secretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Sesmenpora), Gunawan Suswantoro, at Wisma Kemenpora, Senayan, Jakarta, on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, afternoon WIB.

Gunawan said that the application used to improve student fitness was part of the implementation of the Great Design of National Sports (DBON).

"One of the main goals of DBON in 2045 is 70 percent of students participating actively in sports, so it is hoped that students will have a good level of physical fitness," he said.

The implementation of the Great Design of National Sports (DBON) is a big work that requires comprehensive system support from upstream coaching to downstream achievement achievements.

Gunawan explained that the existence of this application will help provide an overview of the fitness level of around 50 million students spread throughout Indonesia.

"The TKPN results will become the foundation for developing Kemenpora programs in the future," said Gunawan.

The student's fitness level will be carried out in stages and sustainably by encouraging students to make sports a habit (habit), lifestyle, and need (sport for life).

Gunawan said that the Ministry of Youth and Sports would also involve many parties so that the program would run well. He said students' fitness would be a shared responsibility for all related parties.

"We will continue to cooperate with the Ministry of Education and Culture, Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, Ministry of Religion, Ministry of Health, Bappenas to continue to monitor the fitness level of Indonesian students who are valuable assets," he said.