Joko Tjandra Sentenced To 4.5 Years In Prison, Attorney: This Is A Tough Matter

JAKARTA - Joko Tjandra's lawyer said the sentence of 4.5 years in prison for his client is tough. But there has been no decision regarding the appeal against the verdict of the panel of judges at the Corruption Court.

"From the demands of 4 years to 4.5 years this is a tough matter even though Sir Joko is thinking about it", said Joko Tjandra's lawyer, Soesilo Aribowo to reporters, Monday, April 5.

The decision of the panel of judges, according to the lawyer, did not accommodate the arguments and defenses that had been conveyed in court.

He said that the action plan had been canceled by Joko Tjandra. However, the verdict said Soesilo had accommodated the framework of the indictment and the prosecutor's demands.

"Then, money worth $ 500 thousand earlier (said to have been received by Pinangki, there is absolutely no such fact. So $ 500 thousand was given to Andi Irfan Jaya through Heriyadi, Mr. Joko's brother-in-law, so Mr. Joko never gave the money to Pinangki. It has nothing to do with Sir Joko's gift to Andi Irfan Jaya", said Soesilo.

Apart from that regarding the money for managing red notices, Soesilo said the matter was related to the commitment of Joko Tjandra's colleague named Tommy Sumardi.

"It has nothing to do with the Police officers there. But it is as if Tommy had given it to the National Police Officer and Sir Joko knew. He really doesn't know", said the lawyer.

Soesilo emphasized that his party had yet to determine further legal steps, namely the appeal of the verdict at the court of the first instance.

"Thinking about it again", he said.

During the trial at the Corruption Court, Joko Tjandra was found guilty in the case of gratification in the processing of a Supreme Court (MA) fatwa and bribery for the removal of a red notice. He was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison and a fine of IDR 100 million, a subsidiary of 6 months in prison.

Previously, Joko Tjandra was charged with 4 years in prison and a fine of IDR 100 million, a subsidiary of 6 months in prison. In this case, Joko Tjandra was charged with giving $ 500 thousand to prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari through his brother-in-law, Herriyadi Angga Kusuma, and Andi Irfan Jaya.

The money was given as a down payment for plans to administer the law he was facing in the form of an MA fatwa through the Attorney General's Office. This is because the Pinangki prosecutor asked Joko Tjandra for $ 1 million.