Pamper The Audience, Click On Released Films To Turn To Dust, Because You Are Only One And Malik & Elsa In April 2021

JAKARTA - In April 2021, Klik Film presents 2 new Indonesian films entitled Until You Become Dust and Because You Only One. Meanwhile, another film that has been screened entitled Malik & Elsa will complete the Klik Film collection.

Until So Dust, played by Cut Mini, Wafda Saifan, and Yasamin Jaseem. Meanwhile, the film You Only One, played by Ayushita and Kevin Ardilova. Before airing, Klik Film officially released posters and trailers of 3 new films that aired exclusively on Klik Film.

"I am very happy that this film finally airs. Because when I got this story, I had no doubts about playing it. There is a unique character that I play, namely being an ordinary mother, having children, turns out to have a severe disease. because during my career in acting, this is the first time I play a character who is seriously ill. I have played a cancer character before. But now the disease is more severe, "Cut Mini said in a virtual press conference, Monday, April 5.

This film is inspired by a true story about a mother who suffers from alzaimer. The children were asked to be there for the last moments, but other problems were approaching them.

"This film, the story is very simple, but it could happen in our lives. What about when we lose a mother, I don't want to imagine it. Even before receiving this film, I consulted a psychologist first. Sure enough, during filming the energy was extraordinary. Every time I enter the set, I get goosebumps, ”explained Wafda Saifan, who plays the character Damar.

Meanwhile, Ayushita, who plays the character Sofia in the film Because You're Only One, admitted that she had an exciting and new experience. "It's fun to play in this film, it's fun, it's fun, the story is quite unique. Because here I play the character Sofia, who works as an assistant lecturer and has a lover who is much younger. I'm happy to finally be able to shoot again, it must be in the face of a pandemic," he said.

Ayushita's opponent, Kevin Ardilova, admitted that she was shocked when she found out that her co-star had a huge age difference. "I played the character Binsar, a student who had to help his parents who were experiencing difficulties. However, he was forced by his lover who was far above mine, to marry her immediately. It was a bit awkward when we met Ayu for the first time, ”he said.

Meanwhile, Endy Arfian admitted that he was happy, the film Malik & Elsa will be shown in the click of the film. "Malik's enthusiasm in this film is really extraordinary. That's the message that Malik wants to convey in the character of Malik," said Endy.

All three films will open in April at Klik Film. The film Until It Becomes Dust and Because You're Only One will air simultaneously on April 8, 2021, while Malik & Elsa will air April 10, 2021.