Israeli Attack on UNIFIL Headquarters Has Dishonored the UN, DPR Questions When Sanctions Will Be Given

JAKARTA - Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Sukamta assessed that Israel's attack on the UN peacekeeping force headquarters in Lebanon had insulted and disrespected the UN institution. Two Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) peacekeeping soldiers were injured.

"Israel's actions in openly attacking UN troops have clearly insulted the honor of the UN institution," said Sukamta, Monday, October 14.

Israel's attack on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) troops on Thursday (10/10) injured 2 TNI members who were carrying out monitoring duties at the observation tower at the Indonesian contingent headquarters in Naqoura, southern Lebanon. Sukamta hopes that the TNI soldiers who were injured while carrying out the peacekeeping mission can recover soon.

"Hopefully our injured soldiers can recover soon and return to carrying out their noble duties in the world peacekeeping mission," said Sukamta, who in the previous House of Representative (DPR) period served in Commission I in the defense and foreign affairs sector.

The UNIFIL military base attacked by Israel is within the 'Blue Line' area which is the demarcation line between Lebanon and Israel. The two TNI personnel have received treatment at the nearest medical facility and are currently in stable condition. Their injuries were caused by bullets from Israeli Merkava tanks.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has expressed his solidarity with Indonesia following the Israeli attack that injured 2 TNI soldiers. He also expressed his sympathy to the Indonesian people following the attack.

Even so, Sukamta assessed that the UN should impose sanctions on Israel considering that the UNIFIL peacekeeping forces attacked by the Israeli military were serving under the mandate of the UN Security Council (UNSC) through Resolution 1701 to support the stability of Lebanon.

"The UNSC should not hesitate to impose strong sanctions on Israel by prohibiting all countries from imposing an arms and economic embargo on Israel," said Sukamta.

"I can't understand, what is the UNSC waiting for to punish Israel? Is it waiting for the entire Middle East to experience a humanitarian apocalypse?" he continued.

Sukamta stated that Israel's cruel actions cannot be allowed to continue. According to him, the attitude of toleration towards Israel has resulted in its attacks becoming more widespread, even to the point of invading the UN peacekeeping mission headquarters which should be free from attack.

"If this continues, it will cause the level of trust of the world community in the UN and the UNSC to fall to the lowest point in history," said Sukamta.

The legislator from the DI Yogyakarta electoral district also emphasized that the war conditions in the Middle East region are already at a very dangerous level. Although the Indonesian Government has taken steps to coordinate regarding the condition of the 2 injured TNI soldiers, said Sukamta, the Government must still convey more protests against Israel's actions because they have injured humanitarian values.

"This is a very dangerous condition. The conflict could become increasingly uncontrollable, because there is no longer trust in international institutions and in big countries that have often called for democracy and humanity," he explained.

According to Sukamta, Indonesia should have expressed a firm stance on Israel's stance that violates international humanitarian law and UNSC Resolution 1701 as the basis for UNIFIL's mandate. Moreover, TNI soldiers have become victims.

Sukamta hopes that the Indonesian government can take a stronger role. Indonesia is also expected to be an initiator in rallying support for Palestinian independence.

"We hope that in the new government of Mr. Prabowo, Indonesia can play a stronger role by becoming an initiator in rallying support for Palestinian independence and on the other hand also rallying the exclusion of Israel," said Sukamta.