CCTV At MA As-Syafi'iyah Damaged, Legal Counsel: 'Is It True CCTV Was Damaged Or Damaged'

The victim's attorney, Afdal Ali (16), Saut Hamonangan said that CCTV at the As-Syafi'iyah Madrasah Aliyah (MA) As-Syafi'iyah school, Tebet, South Jakarta was damaged.

"This is a statement from the principal at the Supreme Court that the CCTV was damaged," Saut told reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Friday, October 11.

He admitted that he was surprised by the school. Because the CCTV was said to be damaged after this case went viral on social media.

"Well, I also don't know why CCTV after the incident was damaged," he said.

Saut hopes that the school can investigate whether the CCTV is really damaged or not. So that the case can be revealed about the number of perpetrators who committed violence against Afdal Ali.

"Later, the police can cross-check the truth, whether CCTV is damaged or damaged," he said.

In addition, according to Saut, the number of perpetrators who committed violence against Afdal was more than one person.

"According to the information we got and according to residents around the perpetrators there is more than one. Maybe later we will confirm it with the PPA unit," he said.