Latest FLPP Recipient Worker Salary Limit

YOGYAKARTA President Director of Perum Perumnas Budi Saddewa Soediro proposed to the government to increase the maximum income limit for people who may buy subsidized houses through the Housing Financing Liquidity Facility (FLPP). The proposed salary limit for the latest FLPP recipient workers received a positive response from the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono.

It should be noted that currently the highest worker salary limit that can get FLPP is IDR 8 million per month. The salary limit for applying for subsidized housing is as regulated through the Decree of the Minister of PUPR Number 242/KPTS/M/2020 which was issued on March 24, 2020 and will take effect from April 1, 2020.

Meanwhile, the proposed salary limit for workers who can get FLPP has increased by Rp. 4 million to Rp. 12 million per month.

In his statement, Minister Basuki considered that the increase in the salary limit was a good step. He also revealed that the proposal had been submitted for a long time.

"Good step, it's actually been a long time since the proposal, now it's only Rp. 8 million, used to be Rp. 4-5 million, up to Rp. 8 million, now to Rp. 12 million. Because those above Rp. 8 million also need FLPP," said Minister Basuki at the PUPR Ministry in Jakarta, Thursday, October 10, 2024.

The Minister of PUPR assessed that the maximum increase in the salary of FLPP aid workers could be realized because the community with a production of more than IDR 8 million needed housing assistance from the government.

"Because the above Rp. 8 million also needs the FLPP," said Basuki.

According to Basuki, the installment scheme for buying houses for the community can also be cheaper by extending the tenor. From what has been in effect for 30 years to 40 years. It's just that the proposal has not been officially decided.

The proposed wage limit for FLPP recipient workers is said to be the responsibility of the government of the Elected President Prabowo Subianto. This is because the government of President Jokowi will end on October 20, which is only a matter of days.

"So I might think, if in the past, for example, now it was an installment of Rp. 2 million, in 20 years Rp. 2 million is small, so it's relative. But it could be, if the policy was determined by the government," explained Basuki.

That's information regarding the latest FLPP recipient worker salary limit. Visit to get other interesting information.