Stress Outages With Excessive Expenditures, Get To Know How To Overcome Doom Sharing

JAKARTA - In the midst of the hustle and bustle of life getting tougher, not a few people are looking for escape from stress and anxiety in various ways, one of which is excessive shopping.

This phenomenon is often referred to as a spending chip and has become a serious concern among psychologists and mental health experts. Doom spending refers to excessive shopping behavior, where individuals feel forced to buy goods to relieve negative emotions.

Psychologists warn that excessive shopping behavior known as "cheamful spending" can pose a serious risk if it is not immediately realized and overcome.

According to Novi Poespita Candra, S.Psi., M.Si., Ph.D. from Gadjah Mada University, individuals involved in endings usually experience stress, anxiety, boredom, or feelings of loneliness.

"Peam spending is very dangerous if not recognized. Usually, those who do it are dealing with feelings such as stress, anxiety, boredom, or even loneliness," he explained as quoted by Antara.

People who overspend often seek happiness through pleasure or temporary satisfaction. They may use shopping activities as a escape from the problems or pain they are facing.

However, this behavior can create a urge to continuously seek actions that provide satisfaction. Therefore, Novi suggested that the identified individuals experience endings trying to find happiness and calm in a healthier way.

"Happy does not mean always feeling happy, but about the ability to interpret every experience, both positive and negative, in a positive way," he added.

Novi also emphasized that happiness can be gained through new experiences or learning new things. Achieving achievements in learning activities can provide a sense of happiness.

He added that good relationships with family, friends, and involvement in social activities can also bring happiness. The joy that is obtained naturally from this kind of activity will be more meaningful.

"When someone finds true happiness through self-awareness, they will not feel the need to pursue pleasure through hedonistic ways by chasing 'dopamine hits'," explained Novi.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that functions to send signals between nerve cells. These compounds play an important role in various brain functions, including movement control, emotions, learning, memory, and problem solving.

The high level of dopamine can cause a person to find it difficult to control impulses, which risk making them take actions that are later regretted or aggressive.

In addition, Dra. A. Kasandra Putranto, a clinical psychologist who graduated from the University of Indonesia, explained that the appearance of advertisements and content on social media can trigger consumptive behavior.

"Social media and e-commerce platforms often encourage the behavior of digital consumerism," said Kasandra.

He stressed the importance of recognizing emotional triggers that can cause someone to shop impulsively and excessively, including purchasing goods or services that are not really needed.

To avoid impulsive shopping behavior, he suggested that individuals set boundaries and priorities in spending and find ways to manage stress and emotions.

"Determine spending limits based on priority and make sure to have emergency funds to deal with unexpected situations," he said. "If you find it difficult to manage stress and emotions, there's nothing wrong with seeking help from professionals."