Getting To Know The Syndrome Burnout, A Disease Experienced By Caca Tengker

JAKARTA - Alsi Mega Marsha Tengker or better known as Caca Tengker revealed his declining health condition. Nagita Slavina's younger brother admitted that he had a burnout.

Caca did not expect to experience this, especially so far she has always provided education about burnout.

The news about Caca Tengker's disease was conveyed in a short video uploaded through his personal Instagram account @cacatengker.

Raffi Ahmad's brother-in-law experienced a prolonged burnout for the past year.

Reporting from the Ministry of Health's website, burnout syndrome is a term used to describe a person's condition of feeling stressed and experiencing emotional and physical fatigue. This can cause a person to become a perfectionist and feel pessimistic.

Burnout syndrome describes the feeling of failure and fatigue due to demands that burden a person's energy and abilities too much, resulting in a stress level, because work has reached its peak.

Anyone can have burnouts. This condition occurs more in people who often force themselves to continue working.

Symptoms of someone experiencing burnout, including:

- Fatigue and avoiding work, a person will feel tired and feel stressed with his work so that he tends to avoid activities related to his work and also feel tired emotionally and not excited about his work.

- Someone with a burnout can experience physical fatigue such as stomach pain and headaches.

- Work performance decreases and burnout affects its performance because it is difficult to concentrate.

- Easily angry, a person tends to be easily angry if things don't go according to expectations.

- Withdrawing from the social environment, stress, and frustration about his work make people act cynically towards people who work with them.

- Easy pain, prolonged burnout can make the body's immunity decrease so that it makes people susceptible to flu, colds, headaches, and stomach aches as well as sleep disorders, anxiety and depression increase.

Steps on how to deal with burnouts:

Create work priorities from important to less important ones, so that the energy that is drained is not too much.

You try to communicate with your superiors that this work makes you burdened and needs the help of others to complete it.

Set a mindset and be realistic so that it can reduce expectations of the work being done.

Try telling a trusted person so that it can help release negative emotions and reduce work stress.

It takes time to relax and forget about work for a moment.

Apply a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy foods, exercising and getting enough sleep regularly.