Children With Special Needs Need To Be Priority In Getting Immunization

JAKARTA - Immunization can be a preventive step in preventing many diseases, especially for children. However, children with special needs are considered necessary as a priority to get immunization.

This was said by a pediatrician from the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) Prof. Dr. Mei Neni Sitaresmi Ph.D Sp.A(K). After the doctor in May, immunization must be given to children with special needs as long as they do not have accompanying medical disorders.

"So, children with special needs such as autism, intellectual disabilities, ADHD, and others as long as there is no accompanying medical condition, the child is a group prone to disease that can be prevented by immunization. So, he still has to get immunization," Mei said in an online discussion as quoted by Antara.

He explained that immunization cannot be given to children with special needs if they have a medical disorder against indications, such as a disease that causes seizures to get out of control.

"If that's the case, it means that we first managed the seizures until they were controlled," said the Professor of the Department of Child Health, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Gadjah Mada University (UGM).

In addition, a special approach is also needed in providing vaccines for children with special needs. According to him, it is necessary to bring children closer to special needs so that they can understand the importance of getting immunized and not feeling afraid when receiving them.

"Perlueffort is special in a simplified way so that they understand and are not afraid," said May.

Director of Immunization Management of the Ministry of Health, dr. Prima Yosephine, MKM appealed to parents not to underestimate the provision of immunization to their children.

Prima explained that immunizations given are of course to avoid dangerous diseases. Therefore, he hopes that parents can be wise in making decisions.

"There are still parents who trust people who are not their fields, such as social gathering friends, neighbors, and others. Even though this is very important, so we must continue to strengthen our knowledge," said Prima.