Anti Mental Breakdown Tips For Children, Increase Confidence And Creativity Through Motorcycle Exercises

JAKARTA - Based on research data conducted by UK National Center for Social Research 1 out of 5 children or 20% of them are suspected of having mental disorders. Among these age groups, the highest prevalence was found in adolescents aged 17-19 years, of which about 23.3% of them were identified as having mental disorders.

This figure continues to increase along with the increasing demands of academics and social. From the results of a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) in 2023, 75% of parents reported that their children were experiencing excessive stress due to school pressure and extracurricular activity.

Also explained in the journal Frontiers in Psychology (2020) "The Link Between CHronic Stress and Psychological Breakdown", There is strong evidence that excessive and unmanaged stress can burden the capacity of individual abilities, which ultimately leads to psychological disorders or burnouts.

This disorder is characterized by cognitive, emotional, and physical fatigue that significantly interferes with daily functions. Therefore, parents need to plan prevention and intervention strategies early on to avoid the adverse effects on their child's mental health. One solution that can be applied is to involve children in motor training, which not only improves physical health, but also builds confidence and creativity.

Motor training includes various physical activities involving large and small muscle movements, such as jumping ropes, dancing, to drawing and coloring. This activity not only stimulates physical development, but also has a positive impact on children's mental and emotional development.

Fondy Prasetio, Headmaster of Capap Kids Academy, explained that in the teaching and learning process, we created an environment where children not only studied academically, but also honed their creative abilities.

"This is our way of encouraging them not only to grow intellectually, but also emotionally, so that they can become stronger individuals in facing the challenges of life," Fondy said in an official statement from Kakap.

It is important for parents to realize that children need time and space to channel their energy in a productive way. Motor training can be an effective way to help them face pressure from the surrounding environment.

We emphasize the importance of creativity and imagination as a very strong factor in supporting mental health. When children are given space to be creative, play, and develop ideas without restrictions, they not only train thinking skills, but also find ways to express emotions and manage stress. This helps them build mental resilience," explained Fondy.

Some of the motor activities that can be done are painting or drawing, this activity not only trains fine motor skills, but also encourages children to freely express their imaginations. Next is dancing, rhythmic movements in dances help children regulate their emotions and improve mood.

Don't forget to do light exercise, such as running or playing football, this activity can improve mood and trigger the production of endorphins, one of which is to provide positive energy and maintain mental health. Then the last one is children's yoga exercise, not only good for physical fitness, but also helping children learn relaxation and emotional control techniques.

Motor training activities can also support the absorption of cognitive learning such as learning language. By providing children with the opportunity to be physically active through motor training, they are not only helped in terms of physical matters. However, it also benefits mentally, which is very important in preventing mental breakdown at an early age.