How Does Stem Cell Work In Overcoming Diseases? Check Out The Answer Here

YOGYAKARTA Stem cell-based medicine is an option that can be taken to overcome various diseases in the body. Stem cells or stem cells can overcome damage in the body and regenerate, so that damaged body cells will be replaced by stem cells. So, how do stem cells work? Come on, find out the answer in the following review.

Quoted from the Mayo Clinic, stem cells aka cell punca are special types of cells that have two important properties, namely splitting to form more cells and become other cells that do different things in a process that is referred to as differentiation.

Exhaust cells can be found in almost all body tissues, needed for tissue maintenance and repair after injury.

The punca cells can develop into different tissues. For example, heropiotic punca cells in the bone cord can produce all cells that function in the blood.

Not only that, punca cells can also become brain cells, heart muscle cells, bone cells, or other types.

Some cells in the body have less ability to produce cells and may only help maintain and repair the tissue and organs where the cells are located.

How stem cells aka stem cells work varies, depending on the source and purpose of use.

For example, infeasibility treatment, harmful cancer cells are quenched with chemotherapy, then replaced with punca cells which are expected to reproduce and grow healthy tissue, driven from the Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (IRCM) page.

According to the Faculty of Disease Specialists (Konsultan) at Cipto Mangunkusomo Hospital, Yetty Ramli, stem cells for treatment can be obtained from the passenger's own body such as fat, bone cord, and skin.

Even so, Yetty suggested using stem cells from other resources for elderly patients because the number of stem cells in her body is less than for younger people, thus requiring additional additions from others.

"For the elderly, we recommend more the provision of stem cells, not from themselves, but from other people," said Yetty, quoted from Antara.

The stem cells were then grown by researchers in the laboratory. Then, stem cells are manipulated to specialize in order to replace damaged cells, such as heart muscle cells, blood cells, or nerve cells.

Next, a local cell is reimplanted into a person's body in a problematic part.

For example, if a person suffers from heart disease, the stem cells will be injected into the heart muscle. The hope is that an injured heart muscle can be resolved.

That's information about how stem cells work. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.