Bruno's Pascalist Profile To Be Appointed As New Cardinal By Pope Francis

YOGYAKARTA The leader of the world Catholic Church, Pope Francis, on Sunday, October 6, 2024, appointed 21 new cardinals from around the world, one of whom is the Bishop of the Bogor Diocese, Mgr. Paskalis Bruno Syukur, OFM. He will be appointed Indonesia's new cardinal in the concession which will be held next December. Along with this appointment, Bruno's Paskalis profile has attracted public attention.

Mgr. Bruno will be the fourth cardinal to come from Indonesia. Currently, Indonesia has two cardinals within the Archbishop of Jakarta, Mgr. Ignatius Cardinal Suharyo, and Archbishop Emeritus Jakarta, Mgr. Julius Cardinal Darmaatmadja, SJ.

The first Indonesian cardinal, namely Mgr. Justinus Cardinal Damojuwono is the only Indonesian cardinal who has died. He died in 1994.

Mgr. Paskalis Bruno Syukur, OFM yang saat ini bertugas sebagai pimpinan Keuskupan Bogor akan menjadi cardinal pertama Indonesia yang berasal dari luar Jawa.

Adapting to the Mirifia page, Paskalis was born in Panggu, Kuwus, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara on May 17, 1962.

On January 22, 1989, Paskalis carried out an eternal profession, namely a profession that was used for life, should not be updated again, and keep a member in tarekat.

After undergoing the eternal caul, Paskalis received the tahbisan stone which is a sign of his commitment to witness and serve an Fellowship at the Santa Maria Parish, the Queen of the Angels, Cipanas, West Java on February 2, 1991.

Next, he was assigned as an assistant priest at the Moanemani Parish, Diocese, Jayapura, Papua. He carried this task until 1993.

After that, Paskalis studied the spirituality of Pransiskan at the Kepausan University of Antonianum, Rome, Italy until 1996.

The Indonesian Provincial Fratum Minorum (OFM) Order then appointed Paskalis as the Novis master for the fracter candidates for this order assignment at the Notvisiat OFM, Depok. He carried out the task for five years, starting from 1996 to 2001.

In the same period, OFM also asked Paskalis as a priest at the Parish of Santo Herkulanus, Depok, Jaya.

Furthermore, Paskalis was named the priest of fracter-fraterdamping in the OFM community as well as a member of the Indonesian Provincial Council ofM.

Another position that Paskalis had held was the Jakarta Archdiocese Advisory Council when Mgr. Cardinal Julius Darmaatmadja, SJ served as Archbishop and Mgrs Ignatius Suharyo as Archbishop of Koajutor.

In 2001, Paskalis Bruno was appointed as Provincial OFM through the Provincial OFM session. He served the task until 2007.

Two years later, Paaskalis was appointed as the Definitor General ofM for Asia and Osenia in charge of several countries, such as India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Australia, and New Zealand and served in the Generalate of OFM in Rome, Italy.

Then on November 21, 2013, the Pope appointed Paskalis as the Bishop of Bogor. His inauguration as a bishop was carried out on February 22, 2024.

After decades of working at OFM, Paskalis Bruno Syukur was appointed as Indonesia's new cardinal on Sunday, October 6, 2024. He will be appointed cardinal in the consortium on Sunday, December 8, 2024, which coincides with the Miss Virgin Maria Party under the nonadices of the Vatican.

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