Rural Funds Can Be Used For Solid Cash Works

JAKARTA - The call to carry out social distancing-physical distancing during the corona virus pandemic or COVID-19 has the potential to weaken economic power. Particularly in the village, many people are affected, including those who are daily workers whose economy is easily disrupted when they are not working.

Therefore, the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Areas, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) has issued Circular Number 2 of 2020, one of which allocates village funds for cash-intensive programs.

"The cash-intensive program is carried out for social safety nets. So, the economy of the people at the lower level will also continue to move," said the Head of Research and Development, Education, Training and Information Ministry of Education, Training and Information, Eko Sri Haryanto at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Monday, March 31. .

As much as 50 percent of the allocation of labor-intensive program funds is used for workers' wages each day. In order for this program to make a major contribution, the village government must be able to choose the right people to work with.

"Workers are prioritized for poor families, unemployed, underemployed, and other members of marginalized communities. This is to maintain purchasing power, so that people can still enjoy economic activities using village funds," said Eko.

Eko did not deny that if the labor-intensive program was carried out, there would be crowds of residents. in using human power there will inevitably be a crowd generated. Therefore, residents must maintain a distance of 2 meters each, and wear a mask if they experience symptoms of the corona virus.

In addition, the village cash-intensive program activities are endeavored to use natural resources with appropriate technology. This is to keep the cycle of economic transactions in the village. "So, there will not be many factors or materials from outside that enter the village," he said.

Previously, the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian allowed local governments to revise the Regional Budget (APBD) specifically for handling the corona virus (COVID-19).

"Regions can carry out revised APBD with a focus on increasing health capacity, increasing hospital capacity according to standards and also campaigning for prevention," said Tito at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Monday, March 16.

In addition to increasing health capacity, the revised APBD is expected to help improve the business world, especially micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Because, by limiting a number of activities made by the regional government, it will certainly have an impact on the decrease in the income of these small businesses.

"To increase the economic resilience of the community, especially vulnerable people who have not been able to afford this, assistance is provided, apart from the central government providing support in the form of social assistance," said Tito.