How To Take Care Of Jeans So That The Color Does Not Fade Easily

JAKARTA - From year to year, jeans do not die. Even though trends keep changing, the role of jeans is never replaced. Many people like to wear jeans because they are easy to mix and match with a variety of tops and can be adjusted to suit everyone's style of dress.

But one problem that is quite common is the color of the jeans which fades and makes them look dull. If it's like this, what is there is no longer used. Too bad, right?

So, so that your jeans collection is durable and the color doesn't fade, here's how to treat it.

Wash it off with cold water

Avoid washing jeans with warm water. We recommend that you choose normal temperature or cooler water. The reason is, warm water tends to make the color of the jeans slowly fade. Meanwhile, cold water is safer because it doesn't damage the original color.

Don't brush it

So wanting to be spotless clean, jeans are washed and brushed energetically. In fact, washing jeans is enough to rub it by hand. Another option is to enter the washing machine and dry it for a while. Bristles that are too coarse can damage the material of the jeans and turn them into a dull color. Unless there is a stubborn stain, you can brush it but enough on the dirty part.

Soak with vinegar

When washing jeans, you can soak them in a vinegar solution first. Simply let stand for 30 minutes then use detergent as usual. Vinegar can help retain the color of your favorite jeans.

Do not wash it frequently

Unlike tops or underwear, jeans don't have to be washed after a single use. You can use it up to about five times before adding it to the laundry basket. It could be more if you just use it for a while. If the jeans are washed after being used once, it takes a long time to cause the color to change.

Store in the freezer

To get rid of unpleasant odors in jeans, you can store them in the freezer. So jeans are still comfortable to wear without being washed many times. It's easy, just put it in a tight plastic bag and put it in the cooler for a few hours. Guaranteed the smell disappears instantly. This way, you don't have to wash your jeans often.