BPK: BUMN Financial Management Has Not Been Carried Out In Order

JAKARTA - The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) said that state financial management by SOEs was still not fully carried out in an orderly manner.

This was conveyed by Member VII BPK/Leader of State Financial Audit VII Slamet Edy Purnomo who presented the Examination Result Report (LHP) to the Secretary of the Special Task Force (SKK) Migas and 14 SOEs to the commissioners and directors of BUMN and SKK Migas.

Of the total 20 LHP submitted, there are 178 findings worth Rp41.75 trillion, 291 million US dollars (United States) and 6.8 million euros that will be monitored for follow-up by the BPK. The results of the examination show that state finances managed by SOEs are still not fully managed in an orderly manner, obedient to laws and regulations, are efficient, economical, effective, transparent, and responsible for paying attention to a sense of justice and propriety as mandated in Article 3 of Law (Law) Number 17 of 2003," said Edy in an official statement, quoted from Antara, Monday 7 October.

He stated that the common thread for problems that occur in BUMN and SKK Migas, especially in governance problems, namely governance structure, governance processes, and governance outcome, so that it can become lessons learned from each other for future performance improvements.

Regarding this problem, BPK asked the SOE Directors to make a study regarding the policy decision-making mechanism that causes regulatory costs or other problems in programs or assignments that are not yet based on good corporate governance.

SOEs and SKK Migas are said to have very important duties and roles in realizing state goals and national development goals as mandated in articles 33 paragraph (2), (3) and (4) of the 1945 Constitution. The two institutions are the driving force and actors of economic activities that play an important role in organizing the national economy in order to provide the maximum benefits of state revenue for the welfare and prosperity of the people, as well as national development.

"The BPK recommendation emphasizes the need to strengthen the role and function of supervision by the board of commissioners, SPI (intern Supervisory Unit), as well as the risk management function in SOEs to oversee and implement the national development agenda in a sustainable manner," he said.

His party encourages BUMN and SKK Migas to follow up on BPK's recommendations on time in accordance with the mandate of the law.

In accordance with the provisions in Article 20 Paragraph (3) of Law Number 15 of 2004, the answer or explanation to the BPK regarding the follow-up to the results of the BPK examination was submitted no later than 60 days after the LHP was received.