Director General Of Gatrik Affirms Companies Must Obey Electricity Provisions

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) continues to encourage the prevention of electric fires by implementing strict security standards, including the use of leaky current safety equipment and monitoring of electrical installations in vital buildings and housing. In accordance with the provisions of Law Number 30 of 2009, every electricity business must comply with the electricity safety provisions.

"It is very important to understand some provisions for fulfilling electricity safety so that there is no potential risk of danger caused by the use of electricity. To support Electricity Safety, at least the following requirements are needed, every electrical device and utilization must comply with the provisions of the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) and every technical personnel in electricity efforts must have a Certificate of Competency for Electricity Engineering Personnel (SKTTK)," said the Director General of Electricity Jisman P Hutajulu quoted on Saturday, October 5.

In addition, he continued, every electricity support business activity must have an Electricity Supporting Service Business License (IUJPTL) and a Business Entity Certificate (SBU) in carrying out its business in accordance with its classification and qualifications, every electrical power installation that operates must have an Operational Implementation Certificate (SLO), and electric power installation owners in the form of a business entity are required to implement an Electricity Safety Management System (SMK2).

In line with Jisman, the Director of Engineering and the Electricity Environment of the MP Dwi Nugroho also emphasized that every electricity business entity must comply with the existing laws and regulations in carrying out its activities.

"Sesuai dengan Undang-Undang nomor 30 tahun 2009 Tentang Ketenagalistrikan dan Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2023 Tentang penetapan Perpu Nomor 2 Tahun 2022 Tentang Cipta kerja menjadi undang-undang bahwa di mana setiap kegiatan usaha ketenagalistrikkan wajib memenuhi Ketentuan keselamatan ketenagalistrikan yang bertujuan untuk mewujudkan kondisi andal, aman bagi instalasi aman dari bahaya bagi manusia dan makhluk hidup dan ramah lingkungan," tegas Nugroho.

The implementation of these safety provisions includes various aspects, ranging from planning, construction, operation, to maintenance of electrical installations.

"All business actors are expected to apply strict safety principles to protect the community and the surrounding environment," Nugroho concluded.