Densus 88 Anti-Terror Search The House Of Suspected Terrorists In Banyumas

PURWOKERTO - The Special Detachment 88/Anti-terror Police searched the rented house of a suspected terrorist on Jalan Kenanga, Banyumas, Central Java.

Information gathered from residents around the scene of the incident, Densus 88 personnel from the Banyumas Police came to the suspected terrorist's house in the afternoon.

After about 1 hour in the house, which had a banner reading "Griya Herbal Purwokerto" installed in front of it, the Densus 88/Anti-terror personnel left the location.

One of the housewives whose house is next to the suspected terrorist's house, Anteng, said that when the joint officers arrived, residents around the location were not allowed to leave the house. The Jalan Kenangan section was also closed.

"We are not allowed to leave the house so we do not know what happened", said a resident of RT 09/RW 02, Sumampir district as quoted by Antara, Friday, April 2.

Regarding the householder who was visited by the officer, he admitted that he did not know him because for almost 2 years he had rented the house, the occupant had never interacted with local residents.

According to him, the house was rented by a husband and wife who have five young sons.

"I don't know his name because they rarely go out of the house. People sell herbal medicines", he said.

According to him, the house often had guests from outside the region.

When confirmed by the Head of the Banyumas Police, Firman L Hakim said that Densus 88/Antiterror asked for help to back up the activities of the crime scene.

"So, I don't really know the case, I just got a call from the Densus to back up the crime scene, while I couldn't even enter", he said.