Jakarta Gubernatorial Election Debate At JIEXpo Along With Music Concerts, KPU Arranges Paslon-Timses Entry Flow

JAKARTA - The General Election Commission (KPU) of DKI Jakarta held the inaugural debate of the candidate pair for Governor-Deputy Governor of Jakarta at the Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) Kemayoran, Central Jakarta on Sunday, October 6.

At the same time, a Synchronize Fest music concert was also held in the JIExpo area from Sunday afternoon to evening.

There were concerns that the JIExpo area was booming because it was visited by three pairs of candidates, hundreds of support teams, and invited guests, as well as concert attendees.

DKI Jakarta KPU member Astri Megatari admitted that his party had coordinated with the police to regulate the flow of entry and exit during the debate.

"We have coordinated with the police how the flow is, the flow is in the candidate pair and the support team, when they are present at the location, and also when the supporters are present at the location," said Astri at the DKI Jakarta KPU Office, Thursday, October 3.

The arrangement of this entry and exit flow is carried out to avoid the accumulation of masses before and after the debate takes place. Arrangements are also made at the parking location.

Moreover, continued Astri, access to the invitation to the debate event is also different from the course of the concert audience.

"If there is also an event at JIExpo Kemayoran, if I'm not mistaken, the location is a bit different from our location. So if we enter through door one, that's a special entrance to the debate location," he said.

The Jakarta gubernatorial election debate took place from 19.00 to 21.30 WIB. This debate was moderated by Aryo Ardi and Anisha Dasuki.

The theme of the inaugural debate is strengthening human resources and transforming Jakarta into a global city.

Later, the candidate pairs will be asked to explain the vision and mission regarding strengthening cultural resilience; HR development; to programs for women, children, marginals, and disabilities.

"Then also how this candidate pair presents his vision and mission regarding later when Jakarta is no longer the capital city and the direction is to become a global city," explained Astri.

Debates are divided into 6 segments. The first segment is the presentation of vision and mission, the second and third segments answer questions from panelists, the fourth and fifth segments of inter-paslon question and answer questions, and the sixth segment of the closing statement.

The question material in the inaugural debate was compiled by seven panelists. Among them are political communication expert UIN Jakarta Gun Gun Heryanto, General Chairperson of the Betawi Cultural Institute Beki Mardani, BRIN researcher Siti Zuhro, STIA LAN Jakarta Polytechnic Director Nurliah Nurdin, Jakarta University Law expert Ahsanul Minan, UBK Chancellor Didik Suhariyanto, and environmental economist Andhyta Firselly Utami.