Meeting With DPD Leaders, Prabowo Affirms Promise To Give The Best For The People

JAKARTA - Minister of Defense (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto and President-elect confirmed his promise to give the best for the people when he received a visit from the leadership of the DPD.

"There is a message from him that I remember very well earlier. This is momentum, the best for the people I will do. I have no other interest. I am not looking for anything. I just want to do my best for this nation," he said.

Chairman of the DPD Sultan Bachtiar Najamudin was reported by ANTARA, Thursday, October 3.

Therefore, the Sultan conveyed to Prabowo that the ranks of the DPD leadership also support Prabowo's commitment and his priority programs in the future, including free nutritious meals, especially for school children.

"We as representatives of the regional community at the center will strongly support future government programs (led by) the elected president who will be sworn in on October 20, 2024," said Sultan.

Sultan explained that Prabowo's strong message to the ranks of the DPD leadership was to maintain cohesiveness and unity.

"Strong point (strong message) that he conveyed always, a week ago we were also accepted, that we must unite, we must be united, we must be solid. Why? Because our largest wealth capital is our cohesiveness," he added.

During the meeting, the ranks of the DPD leaders who also met Prabowo with the Sultan, namely GKR Hemas, Yorrys Rawerai, and Tamsil Linrung.