When Is The Right Time To Weigh Weight?

JAKARTA - Weighing is important for everyone, especially for those who are on a diet program. The results of weight scales can be used as material to motivate themselves in the diet process.

However, in weighing weight, there is a time to pay attention to. Weighing weight in the right time will produce accurate numbers.

Reporting from the Cleveland Clinic, the right time to weigh weight is in the morning, after defecating. After defecating, immediately weigh your weight, try not to eat or drink anything first.

This must be done because the body already has enough time to digest all the food and drinks consumed before bed. If the body is filled with food before weighing, then the food has not been digested properly, so it can affect the scales.

Several studies also recommend weighting regularly, which is every morning or once a week. Weighing regularly can provide significant weight loss.

In addition to the time, weighing the weight of the state of yourself must also be considered to obtain accurate results. One of them is by wearing a little clothes or not wearing anything when weighing weight.

If you want to keep wearing clothes, try to wear the same clothes every time you weigh your weight. The balance should also be placed on a hard surface like the floor, and the posture of the body stands upright with both legs open parallel when weighing.