KPI And PIS Sign Petrochemical Cargo Transport Agreement

JAKARTA - PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) signed a cooperation agreement with PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) for the transportation of Paraxylene and Propylene cargo.

Through this strategic partnership, KPI gives confidence to PIS to transport cargo from KPI processing refinery facilities such as at Cilacap and Balongan ports to storage facilities located in several locations such as Gresik or other facilities in Indonesia.

"PIS capability in the world of maritime logistics has been recognized internationally, thanks to the quality of the fleet and the high safety standards that have been implemented. We believe that with this capability, KPI and PIS can reach more consumers and meet petrochemical needs for the national industry more effectively, at a more affordable cost," said Director of Optimization of Feedstock & KPI Products Sani Dinar Saifuddin in a statement to the media, Thursday, October 3.

Meanwhile, the Director of Gas, Petrokimia, & New Business of PIS Arief Sukmara emphasized the importance of this collaboration in meeting domestic market demand for petrochemical products,

"We are optimistic to see this collaboration. PIS is committed to continuing to provide better services, of course, to our strategic consumers, especially KPI," continued Arief.

Just so you know, Paraxylene and Propylene are two chemical processed ingredients derived from crude oil. Both are vital raw materials in various industrial processes which can then be processed into various industrial products, such as PET plastic, medicines, automotive components, electronic products, to cosmetics.

The vital roles of Paraxylene and Propylene in various industrial products have made market demand trends for both continue to increase, especially in Indonesia, which is currently focusing on developing industrial capacity.

The cargo transport volume is in the range of 5,000 Metric Tons for Paraxylene and 1,567.5 Metric Tons for Propylene with a transport frequency of around 3 to 7 vessels per month. The cargo transportation will fully optimize the PIS-owned fleet which is specifically configured to safely transport petrochemical cargo according to applicable international standards.

The important role of both as industrial raw materials, makes market demand trends continue to increase. We are committed to meeting domestic market needs for these two petrochemical products by offering safe and quality delivery solutions at a more affordable price," said Arief.