Beautiful And Meaningful, Recognize 8 Classic Batik Motifs And Philosophy

YOGYAKARTA Batik develops dynamically to international fashion. The motifs also develop with time and dynamics of modern life. Variative batik motifs, ranging from flora, fauna, geometric, symbols, logos, and abstract. For classical batik motifs, here's a list and philosophy.

Philosophy is attached to batik motifs, for Sido Asih batik, usually used during Javanese traditional weddings. This motif symbolizes human life which is a condition of compassion and love. That's why Sido Asih's batik motifs are generally used in the moment of starting a household bed, hopefully so that love is protected.

Sido Luhur's motive is a combination of geometry and symbols. Usually symbols are taken from the image of flora or inspired by certain plants. Launching the Kemenparekraf page, Wednesday, October 2, noble means agung or respectful'. This philosophy of batik motifs, so that the wearer becomes a role model and gains honor in life. Users of this motif also hope to bring happiness.

Mega Mendung batik motifs come from Cirebon. The motifs are simple and impressive colors. Mega Mendung is synonymous with cloud images. The philosophy of this motive, is about coolness, calmness, patience, and containing anger well.

Kocrosono's batik motif was inspired by the puppet character Raden Kocrosono. This character of wayang, kind and sacrificeful for the benefit of others on the basis of love so that an ideal life can be realized.

Batik, Gurdho Pisang Bali's motif, is done with writing techniques and uses natural dyes. Launching the page of the Center for Crafts and Batik, the Ministry of Industry, the motif of thegurdho symbolizes the upper world. Or a symbol that personalizes faith in God Almighty. The philosophy, symbolizing hope, prayer, and safety.

Kukilo is a bird tweet that describes a beautiful and beautiful situation. While krisbil is a coconut tree, which is considered the strongest tree and is beneficial for all parts. This tree is also flexible, can melt when it is blown away by strong winds and is resistant to pungent sun exposure. Kukilo Kakarang Kambil Secuil's batik motif, is beautiful in color combining pink, green, blue, and coral color. The philosophy is captivating because of its growing charm.

Batik with Sekar Jagad's motive, has a philosophy of joy and lethargy. Sekar Jagad means a 'world flower' whose motifs are flowers. There are various variations of motifs, even in a modern touch on Sekar Jagad batik.

The motifs of Pring Sepuret batik from Magetan. Pring is a bamboo that grows thick. That's why Pring Sepuret's motif has a simple but beautiful motif because it is colorful to describe stems and bamboo leaves.

The motive for Pring Sekit has a philosophy, namely to seek the benefit of others. This philosophy departs from a useful bamboo tree, the sound of friction of its leaves blown by the wind builds a sense of peace, shady, and depicts harmony.

Those are the eight lists of classic batik motifs and their philosophy. Is there anything from the list above that you already have?