Dirty Lung Signs: Recognize Symptoms And Causes

YOGYAKARTA - Lungs are vital organs that function important in the respiration system, allowing us to breathe and obtain the oxygen needed by the body. However, an unhealthy lifestyle, air pollution, and exposure to toxic substances such as cigarette smoke, can cause the lungs to become "dirty". This dirty lung condition does not only result in the respiratory system, but can also affect overall body health. In this article, we will regulate gross lung signatures, and the causes.

What's Dirty Lungs?

Gross lungs refer to a state where the lung organs are exposed to a risk substance such as pollution, smoke, dust, and other toxins that disrupt its optimal function. These risk substances can accumulate in the lungs, cause infection, build up mucus, and interfere with the oxygen absorption process. As a result, the ability of the lungs to clean themselves from harmful particles also shrinks, which can cause various respiration problems and other health problems.

Here are some of the characteristics of dirty lungs that are often encountered:

1. Sustainable Cough

One of the main signs of dirty lungs is a continuous cough, especially when accompanied by the release of mucus or phlegm that is thick and colorful. This cough is the body's response to clean the lungs of foreign substances or dirt trapped in them. If you experience chronic coughs for no apparent reason, this could be a sign that your lungs need attention.

2. Shortness of breath

Shortness of breath or feeling difficulty breathing is also an indication that is common in people whose lungs are exposed to harmful substances. When the lungs are dirty, their ability to process air and change oxygen well is hampered, causing feelings of shortness or kind of not getting enough air, especially when carrying out light activities.

3. Chest Feels Painful Or Pressured

Chest pain or chest pressure can be one of the signs of dirty lungs. Inflammatory or buildup of mucus in the lungs can cause discomfort in the chest area. If this pain lasts long or gets worse, it is very important to immediately refer to a doctor.

4. Excessive fatigue

Dirty lungs cannot supply oxygen effectively throughout the body. Lack of oxygen can make you feel tired and weak, even though you don't carry out heavy activities. If you often feel tired for no apparent reason, this can be caused by a decrease in the function of the lungs.

5. Excessive Da'ak Production

Lungs exposed to pollution, smoke, or other irritation tend to create more mucus or phlegm to produce harmful substances. If you often produce large amounts of phlegm, especially if the phlegm is colored or has blood, this could be a sign that your lungs are experiencing problems.

6. Sin and Pilek Repeatedly

Other signs of dirty lungs, namely frequent sneezing and colds for no apparent reason. The respiration system exposed to harmful substances will be easier to catch infection, because dirty lungs are more susceptible to virus and bacterial attacks.

7. Kusam Skin Color

When the lungs do not work well, the flow of oxygen throughout the body will also stagnate, which can affect skin health. The skin can be dull, pale, or even bluish due to the lack of oxygen supplied to the tissues of the body.

Causes Of Dirty Lungs

After identifying dirty lung signs, it is also important to recognize the main trigger, so that you can take precautions. Here are some aspects that can cause your lungs to get dirty:

I. Exposure to Air Pollution

Air pollution is one of the main triggers for dirty lungs. Air contaminated with vehicle smoke, factories, and toxic chemicals can enter the lungs and settle there, disrupting its function.

II. Smoking

Cigarette smoke has various harmful substances such as nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide which directly interfere with lung tissue. Active or passive smokers have a high risk of natural dirty lungs.

III. Smoke and household Iritan

Smoke from combustion, the use of strong household chemicals, and exposure to dust can cause lungs exposed to irritation that interferes with the respiratory process.

IV. Breathing infection

Respiratory infections such as bronchitis or pneumonia can worsen the condition of the lungs. If not treated properly, this infection can cause chronic infection in the lungs.

In addition, you need to know too: 5 Natural Ways to Clean Your Lungs, Which Are Dirty, Easy And Can Be Done At Home

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