IPB University Bogor Launching 4 AI Technology-Based Innovations

BOGOR - IPB University Bogor again launched 4 of the latest innovations based on AI artificial intelligence technology, which took place at the IPB International Convention Center (IICC), Monday 30 September 2024.

A total of 4 of the latest innovations launched by IPB University Bogor, cover a wide variety of fields, such as agriculture, marine, and logistical agromarithms, as well as animal health.

"This is our effort, to show the public that agriculture and maritime agro in IPB are no longer conventional but are already based on AI," said IPB University Chancellor Bogor Prof Arif Satria.

Prof. Arif Satria explained that today's technological-based innovation is a demand for an era where all parties must adapt immediately.

This was done so that Indonesia would not be left behind with developed countries.

One of the interesting innovations launched by IPB University is the creation of underwater drones, the creative hand of Indra Jaya.

Prof Satria menjelaskan, drone bawah laut itu nantinya berfungsi untuk, mendeteksi berbagai macam biota biota di bawah laut, dengan waktu yang sangat efisien.

"In the past it took two hundred working days to be able to monitor 20 square km of underwater conditions. But now it can only be done within one day, this is extraordinary efficient, thanks to technology," he explained.

The other 3 innovations include the innovation of an AI-based logistics system led by Yandra Arkeman, radar for detecting AI-based animal health developed by Baba Barus and the team.

And the fourth innovations launched were AI and IoT technology for horse health monitoring developed by Sony Hartono Wijaya.

Not only that, as part of the transformation of filling the space for technology, Prof. Arif also explained that currently IPB University has a Artificial Intelligence Study Program.

"This is the first year running, next year is the second year, so God willing, in 3 years they will graduate, so that they can become superior personnel to master AI," he concluded.