Good News For TransJakarta Users, Later You Can Worship Quietly At The Bus Stop

JAKARTA - PT Transportasi Jakarta (TransJakarta) is collaborating with the Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia University (Unusia) and Yogyakarta UNU to design prayer rooms at all shelters owned by DKI Jakarta Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD).

"We are collaborating with many related parties, one of which is with friends from UNU and Unusia to ensure that the bus stops that we build do not only function as citizen mobility services, but can become a form of services for worship facilities in them", he said. Director of Services and Development of PT TransJakarta Achmad Izzul Waro in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, April 1.

The signing of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) was witnessed directly by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan and the General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board Said Aqiel Siradj at the PBNU Jakarta Office.

Izzul continued, saying that this cooperation is in line with the goal of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to develop and revitalize infrastructure to provide maximum service, one of which is prayer facilities at TransJakarta bus stops.

This is stated in Regional Strategic Activity (KSD) Number 29 concerning the Creation of Integrated Transportation Services through Jaklingko.

As for the action plan, TransJakarta is expected to collaborate with universities not only in the Jakarta area and its surroundings, but also universities throughout Indonesia.

With this collaboration, UNU Yogyakarta and Unusia will help TransJakarta in providing input and research related to the design of the prayer room.

In this case, all prayer rooms at all TransJakarta bus stops will be designed with cultural nuances adapted to the context of the area where the stop is located.

"We call this initiative tajjali, which means the manifestation of the meaning of Islam to the public space. Hopefully it will become an initiative that can be run and run jointly by the Provincial Government, TransJakarta, UNU, and PBNU in general", he said.

Chancellor of the Indonesian Nahdlatul Ulama University (Unusia) Mochammad Maksum Mahfoedz hopes that this collaboration, besides being able to improve prayer facilities at bus stops, can also improve the quality of education of students at Unusia.

"Of course, careful mapping is needed to be able to design social services, social services and adequate designs", he said.

For information, currently, 24 bus stops in the 10 main corridors of TransJakarta are equipped with prayer facilities.

In the future, this facility will continue to be developed at other bus stops, so that customers who are still on their way can continue to worship with TransJakarta.