4 Of 26 People Poisoned By Rice Boxes Tahlilan Kampung Boregah Cianjur Referred Because It Was Quite Severe

CIANJUR - The Health Office of Cianjur Regency, West Java noted 26 residents of Boregah Village, Panyusuhan Village, Sukaluyu District allegedly experienced mass poisoning after eating boxed rice provided at a resident's tahlilan event.

Head of the Disease Prevention and Control Division of the Cianjur Health Office, Frida Laila Yahya, said that currently officers have gone to the location to collect data and take samples of food left over to be tested in the laboratory.

"To determine the cause of poisoning, officers have been sent to the location to take samples of food that are suspected to be the cause of mass poisoning," he said in Cianjur as reported by Antara, Monday, September 30.

Currently, dozens of victims of poisoning have received health services from medical personnel at the Sukaluyu Health Center. Four of them had to be referred to the hospital because they experienced severe symptoms.

In fact, his party has sent additional health workers to help with services at the puskesmas, where most of the victims undergo intensive care with symptoms of nausea, dizziness, and vomiting after eating the boxed rice provided by the host.

"Additional health workers have been sent to locations and health centers to anticipate the increase in poisoning victims due to the boxed rice in Panyusuhan Village," he said.

Information gathered said that residents immediately felt nausea, dizziness, and vomiting after eating boxed rice provided by the family who held the 100-day tahlilan of their parents.

"There was no sign whatsoever when eating the boxed rice given, but after a few minutes my stomach felt nauseous, dizzy, followed by vomiting, and the same thing felt by other residents, I was immediately taken to the puskesmas with my husband," said Rosita (27), one of the residents who was poisoned.